Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


PROGRAM The -memhers of the Christian Endeavor Chapels church will render, a special patriotie program at the church Thureday evening, July 1. A special feature ct the evening will be a Christian citi- Music. renship service which will be carried on by the readings. and music in A offerfus will be taken for the purpose of ex Song tending C. F.

missionary fund. The old as well as tho young are invited. Time. o'clock sharp. Program is as fol'ows: Opening song Congregation Consecration service Christian citizenship service.

Members; Song Anna Barrow Song Choir PERSONALS- left- for! Winona. Wilbur Feighner spent last evening in Peru. Mira. John' Sexton. of Fu'sa, is visiting 'Marion relatives.

Herbert Rhorer will return to his! home in Shirley. tomorrow, after a brief visit with his brother, Fred Rborer. Mrs. Jason Wilson has returned; from A Anderson where she assisted fu on elaborate socity function at thei Anderson Country chub. Mr.

and Mrs. Morris Ilicks and Ily of South Gallatin street will leave the last of the week for Norther Michigan to spend the mime Mrs. Marshall Brock- and little daughter Alene left for Cincinnati today to attend the Wright wedding. They will also visit at Dayton returning -home. Arnold of Gas City and dauga.

ter. Katherine, lett this afternoon on their return home, after spending 8 few the city with son and brother, Rev. Arnold of. the Catholic Chronicle. I.

E. Jones will leave one week from tonight for Seattle, to employed. during the summer Mr. at Joncs the Alaskan-Yukon exposition. A will work for the same amusem*nt, company that he was with during the world's fair at St.

Louis. Miss Lucile Kapp will return to her home in Blufion tomorrow, after Disses Hazel Dunn and Alene Esler were among lie excursionists toi Winona todav. At Warsaw Miss Dunn and Miss Ester were guests of the later's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S.

M. Grandy. Van Buren Mr. And Birg. Charles Vight, Mr.

and Mrs. S. Q. Robluson were visitors at Goldthwait park Sunday. Misses Lulu Pilkington.

Ora Crist and Messra. Guy Duckwall and. Charles Dimit Sundayed with friends in Marion. Logan Tinslev returned Sunday from Bremen, Oblo. and left again Monday for the Bridgeport, oll Misses Ivory Camblin, Froan Pax-! ton and Messra.

Horace Sheldon and, Cleatue Reaty attended the MarionWabash game at Marion Sunday. Mesdames Harrison and Persnnetto of Millgrove, Are of their brother, Henry Whitecotton, and faulily of South First street. Mrs. Chase was a caller in Marion Monday. Mr.

and Jirs: John Howard, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bratton And son Earl spent Suuday iu Berne, the of J.

H. Hearton and family. They made the trip in the Howard auto. MiRA Katherine Farr of Marion, Misses Bessie and Ruth McMillan. Georgia Beeler, Ora "Michaela Meesre, Alex Medfillan and Clayton Beeler were guests Sunday at the honie of Mr.

and Mrs Charles Palmer unar Roll, Ind. Lloyd Pilkingion. Austin Corey, Clay Bradford and Trace Draper were visitors in Marion Sunday afternoon. Horace Sheldon left Monday for the oil fields at Bremen, Ohio. Misses Gortrude and Nora Diliman were visliors at the pork Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Beaty of Osslan.

spent Sunday morning with their son, Celatus Beaty, of this place. Mr. and Afra. J. af.

Tumm, Mrs. Elizabeth Wasson and daughter Ilazel took an auto trip to Bluffton Monday and spent the day with It. Bert Wasson and family. Mr. and Mrs.

M. J. Foreman attended the Barr-Rosenbaum nuptials Marion Sunday. Mr and Dre. Lew Roussey and chitdren spent the afternoon at Goldthwait park Sunday.

Frank Mumford and Iarley Farn- Beautify the Complexion IN TEN DAYS WHb The Nadinota Complexion BEAUTIFIER ANY WOMAN may easily and quickly gain a beautiful complexion by using Nadinola It banishes tan, sal. lowness, freckles, pimples, liver -spots and other facial discolorations. Worst case in twenty days. Nadinola Cream rids the pores and tis-sues of all impurities. Leaves the skin clear, soft and healthy.

Directions and binding guarantee in each package. Price 50c. and $1.00 by high-class toilet counters or mail. Sold by the Medicine Shop, Bradley Bros. and other druggists A NEW SKIN.

REMEDY STOPS ALL ITCHING I Skin Troubles of Adults and Infanta ociety WEEK'S. SOCIAL CALENDAR. TODAY. Country ciub party. Luncheon for Miss Irvine Mra.

Gemmill. WEDNESDAY. Irvine Widaman wedding. Fifth Street Sewing club-Mrs. Tupen.

Golf club party. Jolly Workers' picnic--Matter park. THURSDAY Royal club-Mrs. Bower. party-Country club.

Afternoon party-At 0. 0. F. hall. Mrs.

H. N. Trueblood, Mrs. IV. A.

Fankhoner. FRIDAY Subscription supper--Golf club. OUTING The ladies of January-May visions of tho First Presbyterian church ran an excursion to Lake Winona today and several hundred people from Fairmouat, Jonesboro and Marion are enjoying a pleasant days' outing at Indiana's famous suns mer resort. The special left Marion at 8 o'clock this morning and in: will leave Warsaw at 7 o'clock. Mra, If.

Ar. had Elliott charge and of Sirs. the Harry arrange Fil rments and the proceeds derived from the excursion will be used in the mis-1 ision department of the Presbyterian treated are, delightful church. The excursionists being, program today. This morning several lectures were given on summer siou work by well known speakers and this afternoon a concert given by the famous Whitney 4.

1 quartet. The Muncle Boys' band also rendered a concert this afternoon apd LaA. a. Atting close tho day's pro-, Peram; fifty- Indians- from various tribes appeared. in the play "Illawa.

tha" on Winona lake late this aftervoon latter feature. alone beipg a treat for Marionites. Among those fn the party are Mrs. William Thom. Miles Alice Thom, Willard Griest.

John Kiley, Lawrence Diggs, Seyniour Marks, Prank Simmons, Robert Kiley Thil Middleton, Fred Maloti, Robert Turpen, Francis Dunn, Miss Grace Wolf, Miss Elsie Forrest, Harry Gadbury. Mr. and MrR. Harry F. Mr.

and Mrs. E. Parker, David Gordon Blend, Miss Alenc Eater, Miss Hazel Dunn, Dr. Ada Mrs. W.

V. Turpen, Miss Emery, Miss Dorothy Shive-, ly. Miss Carrie Moa VAr, Join Cal.ton, Mr. and Mrs. IT.

M. Elliott. Dr. Bartley, Miss. Jeasie Feighner, Mia Feighner Mrs.

Lillian Feighner, Mrs. I. M. Whaler, G. A.

Tuke y. Miss Irene Sanderson, Mrs. E. Is Kinneman, Airs Frank Fruchey, Mrs. C.

Me Kemmer, Mira. M. T. Shively, Miss Lon Charles Miss Ressie Helchert, Rev. and Mra.

Hugh T. Gary and guest Mrs. dolph, Phil Diela, Misses Julia and Nellle Kelsey, Miss Blanche Mun. Fen, Mr. and Mra.

J. Hyson Miller, Mrs. C. N. Smithson, Mrs.

John Donald, Mrs. Charles Macey. Mr. and Mra. Blend, Mrs.

James Kistler and daughter Miss Ethel, Mra Myra Smith. Is K. Jones, Miss Marie Allegar, Mrs. H. O.

Helchert, J. B. Ross, Aliases Ilelen and Fins loss, Ralpa Malott, Miss Ruth Jones of Gas City, John. Neath, Milo Faulkcer and Miss Ruth Is nes. One undred and thirty-six 3 Charms were sold from Marion, twenty-four from Fairmount and four from Jones boro.

MATRON OF HONOR. Concerning a wedding at Fresno, which will be of interest la this city. owing to the matron of bonor boing a former. Marion girl, the Republican 880'6: "At the beautiful George Wilson home at the end "of Forthcamp avenue, last evening occurred the marriage the handsome young daughter of the family, Miss Lorena Wilson, and George D. Huffinan, a popular.

young business man of this elty. When the wedding day was set. it was intended tirat the ceremony should take place in the pretty almond grove 'near the house, but the rain spoiled the plans and instead the broad veranda and 1c4' its picturesque summer house were The bride is a particularly striking looking girl with glorious dark eyes and pretty auburn hair and made a stuuning picture in the cling. ing wedding robe of white crepe de chine. adorned with lace.

Mrs. A. Paulette Wilson, A sister-in-law of the bride, and herself a bride of a taw months. was matron of honor, and was most attractive in a dainty frock of pink messaline, carrying pink carnations. A.

Paulette Wilson attended the groom. Mr. and- luffman left for the norta last night to spend the honeymoon. This is the second wedding in the Wilson family during the last family few taking months, an the Eastern only girl son for of his bride about a month ago." Mrs. A.

Paulette Wilson, who acted as matron of honor, and the "Fastern girl" to whom the article refers, was formerly Miss Amanda Barley of this city, whose picture appeared in the Leader Several weeka ago when sbe left for the west. W. C. T. U.

The C. U. will meet Wednesday afternoon instead 'of Thursday, with Mrs, (Dr.) Geary, of South Washington and streets. Mrs. will be by Mrs.

Fansler, Mrs. Wilson and Mra. Hinshaw. The devotionais will be conducted by Mrs. Emma llainlen, after which a business sion will be held.

talk on "Flower Missiona" will given by Ora. Cammack Gibson and a gold medal contest will be conducted with Mrs. Love as leader. Five young ladies articipate as follows: Misses 1Mlin; Mary Thomason. Marie Rosa Halnten and Blanche Dawson.

All membera are requested to bring flowers a8 to morrow is known as "Flower Mission" day. These flowers will he distributed among the poor fthe city. FOR MISS Mrs. Harry Bedelle, assisted by R. 11.

Frank, gave a pretty miscellancous shower yesterday afternoon at her home on Spencer arenue in honor of Mias Florence Irvine, a bride 0: Wednesday. The house was prettily decorated with red roses and lunch was served. Among the guests were Mesdames ITarry Gable, Willard Gemmill, Nina Johnstone. Goorge Stewart. A.

C. Barley, G. G. Barley. Harry and G.

C. Harwood. Misses Bess Brownice, Hazel Lillard, Hazel Collins. Marie Corbett, Carrie Fruchey Iliatt. Lucia Ader, Hazel Stewart, Nell Jones of Kokomo, Carrie Houston of Frankfort and Nano Golly of Lima, O.

PICNIC PARTY. The following picnicked at Matter park yesterday afternoon and later enjoyed a theater party at the Star Mc-land Royal: May Mahon of Sioux Falls, 8. Helen Lugar of Kokomo, Frances Egbert, Lois Von BehLucille Friermood. Marguerite Heavilin. Elizabeth Williams, Hezell Alford, Clarice Hawkins, Mary and Alice Guss of North Adams, Mass.

CONVERSATION CLUB. The Monday Conversation club will held a special Wednesday Children Delights I Post Old Folks Toasties The crisp. delicious, golden-brown food made of In dian Corn. A tempting, teasing taste distinctly different--all it's own. "The Taste Lingers." Sold by Grocers.

Popular pkg. 10c. Large Family size, 15c. Postum Cereal Battle Creek, Mich. Quickly When known that postam, the new skin discovery, will stop the for turonz itching attending eczema with first application and bring immediate reltef.

and comfort to from, all skin troubles, its merit will be appreciated and its wonderful success understood. On the tender skin ot chafing infants, nosiam may be used with soothing and benefclal It is app'led externally, and its remarkable healing powers begin at once. All skin diseases, Including eczema, acne, herpes, rash, tetter, yield hinmodiately to postam. Occasional applications, in small quantitios, will quickly banieh pimples, hives, black brads, blotches, and wi'l relieve and cure itching wet, scaly scalp, humors, etc. A special 50-cent package Let prepared for those who use poslam for hesc minor skin troubles.

This, well as the regular two-dollar jar, is on 'sale at W. Hidebrand's and other drug stores; 'In Mariou An experimental of pcelam may be obtained free of charge by writing tor the Emergency Laboratorles, 32 West Twenty street, New York. lug Frank Jenking, the hanker, after an infunction had been Issued forbid-; ding him taking the accused man's pic. ture. Capt.

Kulne is the first of the New York police officers to suffer me fmprisonment for persons arrested before they have had a hear-; ing before a magistrate. afternoon with Mrs. Roscoe Heavilln of- West Filth street. An informal sewing party and distribution of progrants for the ensuing year will be features of the afternoon. AFTERNOON PARTY.

Complimentary to her little guests. Beatrice and Walter Nussbaum of dianapolis, Mre. Loo Nussbaum entertained yesterday afternoon at her Thome on West Fourth street. In a contest, the prize WAS awarded to Miriam Marks. Those present were Hope Ford, Harriet Ford, Irma Paul, Edmund Powell, Rebecca Goldthait, Susan- Mary Stephenson, Arthur, Edith and Mary Line, Mark Trueblood Granville Braweu, Beatrice and Walter Nusebaum, Lindley Butterworth, Genevieve Hayee, Nadine Snively, Lowell and Mary Rhuess! Nussbaum.

A 4 SPLENDID RECITAL. -A good alzed audience atended the recital given last night at the Marion Conservatory of Music by the Junior members of the school. The numbers consisting of riolin and piano solcs and a piano duett wore all given with great brilliance showng the careful training they have been receiving and evoking applause. All the performers were the younger members of the school. but their work was worthy of special notice and was thoroughly enjoyed by the large audience present.

FOR MISS WEAVER. Mra. Otho Campbell of West Fourth street. entertained yesterday afternoon in honor of Miss Martha Weaver 0. Indianapolis.

The a were Hallie Primacombe, Miriam Marks. Caroline and Elizabeth Brownless, Cecella and Marie Kiley, Helen Woeful, Rebecca Irma Paul, Florence Gary and guest. Mary Elizabeth Randolph of Lafayette and Mildred Weaver of Indianapolis. AT MATTER PARK. The following picnicked at Matter park last evening: Mirzes Daisy Fowlcr.

Catherine Ryan. Bertha Edith Potter. Meaers, Charles Schick. Earl George Doll. Souls Worthen and Paul LYRIC- SEWING PARTY.

Mrs. M. F. Baldwin will entertain the members of the Lyric club at a sewing party tomorrow afternoon at her home on Twelfth street. PICNIC PARTY.

Marian Anderson and Charline Jamieson have issued Invitations for a picnic party co the Fourth. THE INDUSTRIAL CLUB. Dire. Samuel Bradberry of Wabast: avenue will be hostess Wednesday afternoon to the Industrial club. Miss Nancy Barts, a.returned Africa.

will lecture at I the Wesleyan Methodist church. Fairview, northeast of Marion, Sunday. July 4. At. 11 m.

And 8 p. I. Mias have from Africa castoins. dress. etc.

This will be very Interesting. All, are davited. "Actirg Police August Kunne, who has begun to. eerve 30 days' sentence for contempt of court. for photograph- Reading Carl Brock Solo.

Miss Bertha. Basraw Reading Pharaba Frazier Reading. Lucile Ward Mayme Stearng Reading Miss Bertha Barrow Barrow Quartet Reading Frank Walton Beryle Hawking BEnn Choir: Rending Willard Bock Instrumental. Anna Harrow Benchis of Chilstian Rev. Coon: Misses Ethel Hawking and Msymie Lazul Organized Simons Congregation Benediction Pastor were visitors in Marion SunMisR Ora -Miller 'of Marion visited aister, Mr.

and Ars. Vendeii Draper, here Sunday. In. a double-header hall game played at the local, race, track the Buren Independents added two more victories to their, list, making them eleven games won and lost pone. -Ther frat played and Landess by A score of 5 to 3 and they were victorious over the Marion Sluggards, the score being 11 1 In favor of the Independents.

Misses Lulu LeFavenr, Hazel Watson, Ethel Reece and Messrs. Fred Lassure, Arthur Henderson, and Chester LeFavour near Batson'a bridge Sunday. Dir. and Mira, Bert Harvey and son. 1c0, Mr.

and 1 Mre. John LeFavour and guests, Mrs. A. J. Veil and children Flat Rock, 111., were In Sunday, guesta of Jesse LeFavour and family of South Thimloth street.

Paul Lindsay was. in Marion Sunday, Gall Stiller and guest, Carl Miller, visitors at Goldthwait park Sunday.Miss Merle Dean of Marion spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Sire. Craig Dean of this place.

Mra. M. A. Reeler and Mrs. Harry Moore Shopped in Marion stores Saturday.

John Carl returned Sunday from Martinsville. where he has heen a taktreatment In. the sanitarium of that place. Mr. Carl states that ho is fooling- much better and hia.

many friends hope that he will soon regain health. Clyde Dean of. Chattangonga, the guest of hia parents, Craig Dean family of this place, for all indefnite nite time. Miss Edith Boller spent Sunday at her home Landess. Miss Grace Wasson, who hag been visiting her sister, Mrs.

It. Grant Stett of St. Louis, for the month, 18 expected home the latter part of this week. Dire. Roy Sweet and sons of Pennsylvania are guests of her parents, Dir.

and Mrs. A. Robb of this place. Mrs. Sweet ig enroute to her new home in Jamies daughter Gertic spent.

Sunday at the home of Trimley Riggs near Dillman. Dr. and Mrs. G. G.

Richarison are rejoleing over the arrival, of a bounclug 6011 at their hoine Monday. A. C. Farr and family are moving into the leaston house on East Vina street. Ned Conwell and Clyde Whitecotton, of the Second Regiment band, were in Marion Sunday after.

noon. Messra, Bert Wasson and Mitchell Bluffton were in Marion Sunday. Mrs. John Wright was taken anddenly ill Sunday morning with heart trouble and for a time thought she would not revive. Mondav moi ing she wis re reported much improved.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller spent Sunday with relatives at Mr. Miller returned Monday morning but Mrs.

Miller stopped at. Wabash for short visit with her sister, Mrs. Derr. Mr. and Mrs.

Sbufelt and son Russel of Marion Sundayed with the latter's parenta, A. Coddington and famof West Main street. La A transacted business Marten Monday. Jonas Y. Paton called on Marion friends Sunday.

Thomas Letamore and wife of MArion were Sunday evening guests Mr. and Mrs. D. F. M.

Berkman this place. A large crowd attended the tent show given back of the B.7& station Saturday evening by the Gardnor company. The show la mostly hypnotism and three days' stand, Monday and TucsdAy of this week. Mra. -A-.

Westall returned Saturating day after week's visit with SIr. and Mra. Joseph ph Westfall at New. Richmond. Ind.In Saturday's- Muncie Star was pirture of one of our most porutar young bore underneath the picture was printed the following: of the most interesting boys in town on relss telegraphy 18 Irl Denne, 80N of Dr.

and Alre. Craig Deane. lIe 1s 13 years old and for a boy of this age is rond fu ail Linda of Pretrical anechanism. -In his room lip has many kinds of electrical supplice, condensers, etc. Hel las experimented with electricity chemistry, making hydrogen gas and orygen ras.

He 14 DOn' erectin: wireless outAt at his home. His tem lA that of Marconi. With this outfit he. wil! be- able to send a GAgE twentv miles. and under favorable ronditions receive from 40) 2 ANTY DRUDGE Little Tom Tucker sings for his supper, But it's doubtful whether he'll get it, His mother washes the old-fashioned way, Boiling and rubbing the livelong day.

She has no time for cooking on Monday, And little Tom Tucker goes hungry. What has become of the dirt? That's the first question you ask when you rinse out the clothes after they've been soaped with Fels-Naptha and soaked in cool or lukewarm water. 'The clothes are white and clean. 'The dirt's gone. What became of it? Here's the answer.

F'els-Naptha Soap acts on dirt like does sugar; dissolves it; separates it into tiny particles that are carried away by the rinsing water. Fels-Naptha Soap takes the place of. boiling. Makes the clothes whiter and cleaner without it. Dirt doesn't need to be rubbed out when it's dissolved.

Do you wonder that women who use Fels-Naptha Soap in Winter or Summer are able to do their washing in onc-half the time with one-fourth the work required by the old way? When you try it yourself, follow directions printed on the red and green A .4 300 miles." At present there is 110 win less close enough. for him to gild messages. He takes many electrical magazines and from these he learns to make nearly all his supplica. Ile is A bright boy and will enter high school this fall. After he has taken it course In high school he intend: to enter some electrical school." William Kelley was lu Marion Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swects and soust left Monnay evening for their future home in Bakersfeld. Cal. Mr.

and Baker left Saturday for an extended visit with the former's parents Wisconsin, A. D. Hamrick left Sunday Ing for a short. visit with his patents in Louisvile. Ky.

with Prank his Reppert parents. Mr. of and Muncie Mrs. R. spent C.

of this place. J. F. Baldwin and daughters were visitors at the park- Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. H. Miara went to Marysville, Sunday in ansiver to telegram Saturday stating the serious illness of A nephew. Durthe absence of -Mr-Miars Elmer I Cochran la carrying mail on route S. Mr.

and Mra, F'lord Miller, Mr. and 3rs. Ralph Montromery were visitors at the capital rity Sunday; August Rodlinger was -in Marion: Saturday evening. Mr. Ant Phil Harris of Warron were Sunday, guests of Mr.

and Mrs. ohn Wright. Earl Hughes was In Bluffton Monday on business. A REAL HAIR GROWER. If you are troubled with dandruff, scalp irritation or falling hair, we want you to try Rexall Hair Tonic at our risk.

We won't charge you a cent for the treatment if you are not entirely satisfied. It almost invariably effects a complete cure. Two sizes, 50c. and $1.00. RICHARD L.

LANDER "The Rexall Store" Who. Wants Me? Jules Theibert and Fred Trueblood will spend Friday evening with friends In Wabash. Open your mail at the Jetferson club Sunday morning. Forget your troubles at the Jefferson club. PUBLIC NOTICE.

Office of Township- Trustee, State of Indiana, I'leasant Township, Grant County. -Sealed will be -received by tie undersigned, at his office til noon of the 20th day of July, 1909, for the construction of school house. in said township at district No. 7 In Pleasant school township, said school house to be completed by Oct 10th, 1909, according to r.he plans and specifications now in my office. Reserving the right to reject any or all bids.

Bids must be panted with A bond of double the gross amount of bid. Attest: NELSON L. SIIOCKEY, Trustee -7-6-13. Marion Conservatory of Music. DAVID BAXTER Dirctoer Vocal Department.

C. F. TUCKER Director ot Voice Department of INDIANA COLLEGE OF MUSIC 1 Post Toasties UNITED Limited One.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.