Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

Green Bay Press-Gazette Friday, proval be given for the purchase of all equipment listed in Exhibits 5 through 14, and that companies be listed along with the prices in the minutes. Motion carried, with all voting "Ave" on roll call. Moved by Mr. Nys and seconded by Mrs. 'Harrow that the Personnel Committee recommend that Board approval be given for the employment of Mrs.

Jacqueline Barlament as Executive Secretary of the NWTI Educational Foundation with the recommended salary for 52 weeks of 000.00. Motion carried, with all voting 'Aye" on voice vote. Moved by Mrs. 'Harrow and seconded by Mr. Nys that Pat Hyland be placed on a conditional contract, effective January 22, for the remainder of the contract year based on a Coordinator I level at salary.

The next six months of the contract year she will be placed on the Coordinator level at a probationary rate or $21,232.00 annually. Motion carried with all voting on voice vote. Moved by Mr. Nys and seconded by Mrs. O'Harrow that the Personnel Committee recommend that Board approval be given for the employment of Mr.

John L. Melum, as Transportation and Distribution Instructor at a salary placement of 7-108, Salary, $14,410.00. Motion carried, with all voting "Aye" on voice vote. Moved by Mr. Nys and seconded by Mrs.

0'Harrow that the Personnel Committee recommend that Board approval be given for the non-instructional personnel transactions as listed above. Motion carried, with all voting "Aye" on voice vote. Moved by Mrs. O'Harrow and seconded by Mr. Nys that the Personnel Committee recommend that Board approval be given for the maternity leave of absence request for Carol Rusch which was received on December 11, 1978.

Motion carried, with all voting "Aye" on voice vote. Moved by Mrs. O'Brien and seconded by Mr. Nys that the Personnel Committee recommend that Board approve all of the recommendations as listed above in the Personnel Committee Report. Motion carried, with all voting on roll call.

Moved by Mrs. O'Harrow and seconded by Mrs. O'Brien that the Board adiourn and tour the NWTI Facility. Motion carried, with all voting "Aye" on voice FINANCIAL STATEMENT December 1, 1978 to December 31, 1978 BALANCE December 1, 1978 $120,305.08 RECEIPTS FOR DECEMBER INCOME Local Taxes 052.17; Special Proiects, Federal Revenues State Revenues Tuition 305.77; Fees Institutional Student Government Clubs Sales Loan $615,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 256.84 GRAND TOTAL $1,192,561.92 DISBURsem*nTS FOR DECEMBER SALARIES Administrative, Clerical Teaching 014.55; Custodial Other $27,643.78 TOTAL SALARIES $551,894.85 GENERAL EXPENSE Employee Benefits Aids Building Equipment Rental 739.07; Operational Expense 784.01; Student Government Expense Building one Equipment Repair Grants Non- Resident $129,636.52 TOTAL GENERAL EXPENSE $384,375.25 CAPITAL EXPENSE Buildings $21,384.30 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSE $23,429.48 S9TOTAL DISBURsem*nTS BALANCE December 31, 1978 $232,862.34 REGULAR MONTHLY SESSION OF THE BROWN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS-JAN. 17, 1979 The Brown County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to Chapter 59.04 (1) (a) in regular monthly session in the Supervisors' Room of the Courthouse Annex, at 7:30 P.M.

on Wednesday, January 17, 1979. The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Sam Halloin. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flog, was Opening recited. roll call was as follows: Present: Bodart, Hinkfuss, Nager, Jacobson, Gable, Demeny, Berken, Demro, Zolper, Ripp, Adams, Stange, Young, Marchetti, Marinan, Siegrist, Zima, Miller, Kropp, Last, Bleser, DesJardins, Sanders, Dernbach, Hoslet, Fosterling, Cuene, Janssen, George, Soletski, Dewane, Lemke, Hart, Garsow, English, Pamperin, Monfort, Roloff, VandenPlas, Marnocha. Excused: Ryba, Thompson.

Thompson entered at 7:35 P.M. Present: 42, Excused: 1. Motion made and seconded to adopt the agenda as revised. Vote taken. Motion carried.

2. Communication from Door County regarding amending Wisconsin Statutes, Section 59.07 (67) relating to referendums on public building programs. Motion made and seconded to refer to the Legislative Committee. Vote taken. Motion carried.

3. Communication from Neville Public Museum regarding reconstruction of museum (minutes of Joint County and City Finance Committees) Vote taken. Motion carried. 4. Appointment of John Monfort to the Bay Lake Regional Planning Commission by Sam Halloin, County Board Chairman.

Motion made and seconded to confirm the appointment. Vote taken. Motion carried. 5. Treasurer's Cash Report for November 1978.

Motion made and seconded to receive and file. Vote taken. Motion carried. 6. Contingent Fund Report for the month of January, 1979.

Motion made to receive and file. Vote taken. Motion carried. 7. Ordinance submitted by the Airport Committee regarding the amending of 25.10 and 25.11 of the Brown County Code dealing with Airport Traffic Regulations.

(Tabled from December meeting). Motion made and seconded to suspend the rules to allow interested parties to address the board. Vote taken. Motion carried. Don Conrad, owner of Conrad Limousine, told the board that the fees for operation of the limos were unreasonable compared to taxi fees and the insurance requirements for their operation were too low.

Motion made and seconded to return to the regular order of business. Vote taken. Motion carried. Vote on motion to adopt. Motion carried.

Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive. 8. Resolution ratifying action of the Secretary of Transportation, in accepting amendment No. 1 to Grant Agreement. Motion made and seconded to adopt.

Vote taken. Motion carried unanimously. Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive. 9. Resolution transferring $2,101.43 from the General Fund to the Harbor Commission Outlay Account as partial reimbursem*nt to the Wisconsin Public Service.

Motion made and seconded to adopt. vote required. Vote taken. Motion carried unanimously. Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive.

10. Resolution submitted by the Finance Committee transferring 250.00 from the General Fund to the Special Accounting Account in order to contract with David M. Griffith Associates for updating the 1978 cost allocation plan. Motion made and seconded to adopt. vote required.

Vote taken. Motion carried unanimously. Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive. 11. Resolution submitted by the Finance Committee regarding setting certain accounts as non-lapsing funds effective January 1, 1979.

Motion made and seconded to adopt. Vote taken. Motion carried unanimously. Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive. 12.

Resolution submitted by the Finance Committee regarding reallocating Antirecession Fiscal Assistance Title I1 monies. Motion made and seconded to adopt. vote required. Vote taken. Motion carried unanimously.

Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive. 13. Resolution submitted by the Finance Committee regarding cancelling checks for 1975 and 1976. Motion made and seconded to adopt. Vote taken.

Motion carried unanimously. Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive. 14. Resolution submitted by the Finonce committee regarding cancelling checks for 1977. Motion made and seconded to adopt.

Vote taken Motion carried unanimously. Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive. 15. Resolution submitted by the F1- nance Committee regarding reconciling intercounty relief cases. Motion made and seconded to adopt.

Vote taken. Motion carried unanimously. Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive. 16. Resolution submitted by the Finance Committee regarding authorizing County participation in a joint gov- Feb.

23, 1979 B-7 WEATHER WATCH Thru Saturday Data From NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE 20 30 20 10 040 20 -2040 10 Rain 2200VO Showers Flurries XXXX Cold 50 Figures show Stationary low temperatures Warm for area. Occluded -Designates a high pressure area. Highs usually bring fair weather -Designates a low pressure area, Lows usually bring cloudy or stormy weather. Occluded -An occluded front is the air front established when a cold front blocks a warm front. Stationary -A stationary front is a transition zone between two different density air masses that are not moving Local Thursday 10 a.m.

11 a.m. .29 12 a.m. 1 p.m. 2 p.m. ..................32 3 p.m.

...................33 4 p.m. ...................31 5 p.m. ........30 6 p.m. ...................30 7 p.m. 8 p.m.

...................32 9 p.m. .........32 Degree Days Thursday Mean Temperature 3 Degrees Below Normal Record High for this Record Low for this Date: Area Station GREEN BAY Escanaba, Mich. Madison Marquette, Milwaukee Park Falls Wausau 10 p.m. 11 p.m. ...................33 12 p.m.

Friday 1 a.m. ...................34 2 a.m. 3 a.m. 34 4 a.m. 5 a.m.

34 6 a.m. 7 a.m. 35 8 a.m. 9 a.m. Thursday Thursday Date: 53 in 1930 -24 in 1889 High Low Precip 34 30 .28 33 23 .20 38 34 .20 26 25 .14 33 32 .12 33 29 .17 32 29 .84 Sunrise Sunset Today 6:40 5:32 Tomorrow 6:39 5:33 National Station High Low Precip Albuquerque, N.M.

50 27 Anchorage, Alaska 25 Bismarck, N.D. 18 5 .38 Boston, 53 31 Brownsville, Tex. 81 70 Buffalo, N. Y. 38 30 Chicago, Ill.

41 29 .14 Denver, Colo. 50 15 .08 Detroit, Mich. 36 30 .04 Grand Rapids, Mich. 36 33 .13 Honolulu, Hawaii 79 67 Kansas City, Kan. 52 33 .13 Los Angeles, Calif.

60 45 .48 Miami Beach, Fla. 76 73 .04 Mpls. St. Paul, Minn. 38 30 .53 Orleans, La.

76 62 .57 New York, N.Y. 50 35 Oklahoma City, Okla. 67 37 Ariz. 64 44 Pittsburgh, Pa. 40 37 .01 Rapid City, S.D.

31 7 .11 Seattle, Wash. 51 36 .04 Washington, D.C. 56 35 Bay Beach Gets Central Zoo for Kids Has Record Year MINNEAPOLIS North Central Airlines has reported record net earnings for 1978 of $22,164,000, or $1.70 per share. The total compares with $13.7. million or $1.11 a share the previous year.

Other highlights for the year reported by Hal N. Carr, chairman of board, were revenues of nearly $300 Sessions Focus On Careers Eleven workshops will be offered in a Career Education Program at Northeast Wisconsin Technical Institute beginning March 19. The workshops will meet on Monday and Thursday evenings from 7 to 9:40 and vary in length from two to four sessions. Workshops will be conducted on the following topics: data processing; dental occupations; electricians; fashion industrial food processing; industrial machine mechanics; nursing; small business; small engine repair; and two informational workshops. Calumet Reopens Probe of Death CHILTON (PG) Two state crime investigators have been assigned full time to assist Calumet County authorities in investigating the death of a 17-year-old Menasha girl.

The victim was Dawn Schnetzer whose body was found Nov. 4 in a wooded area near St. John. She had been reported missing since Sept. 16.

Calumet County Sheriff William Broehm said new leads came as the result of special tests conducted during an autopsy by the state Crime Laboratory. Broehm declined to release any information, but he did say there is a strong indication that the case will be ruled a homicide. The cause of death was uncertain at the time the girl's body was discovered. million, a 25 percent increase in the cash dividend, passenger miles up 38 percent to 1.9 billion and a near doubling of system mileage with 17 long-haul routes added. In addition, Carr said the proposed merger of North Central and Southern Airways is nearing reality.

A Civil Aeronautics Board examiner has approved the merger, and the application is now before the full board with a final decision expected this spring. The new name of the merged airlines will be Republic with headquarters remaining in Minneapolis. For the fourth quarter, earnings reached $4,123.000, compared with $3,321,000 a year earlier. Carr said those earnings were significant because many airlines were reporting reduced earnings or losses in the fourth quarter. North Central's profit before taxes was $5.9 million in 1978, up from $3.6 million in 1977, and income taxes rose to $1,773,000 from $297,000.

In addition to the new routes, Carr said factors that added to the record profits were additional DC-9-50 jets, a strike against another carrier and the popularity of the discounted fares. Investment tax credits and fare increases also enhanced earnings, he said. 38, North Central remains: a financial leader among regional carriers, ranking first with $69,148,000 in retained earnings. Stockholders' eq- S. uity was up 29 percent to to $89,612,000, raising book per share to $7.25.

value, board of directors has declared a cash dividend 55, of 20 cents per share to shareholders of record Feb. 15. During the year, a record 6,911,000 passengers were carried. North Central also has reported that it intends to increase its capital outlay for 1979 to $80 million, up from $75 million last year. Included in the spending plans will be the purchase of seven DC-9-50s.

The airline also has ordered three Boeing 727-200s for delivery in 1980. Oren Skar Recognized For Volunteer Efforts Oren Skar has been named Volunteer of the Year by the Brown County Department of Social Services. He will be among those recognized at the annual department volunteer recognition dinner at 7 tonight at the Spot Supper Club. Skar, who is an accountant, volunteers his services as a protective payee for the department. In this capacity, he is handling money for 31 families needing help with their finances.

Three volunteers who have worked with the department for five years will also be recognized. They are Robert Lambert and Don Devroy, who have worked in the juvenile court volunteer program, and Walter Gart- Death Notices, Funerals Ralph Hauser, 74, 845 Ernst died unexpectedly Thursday in Phoenix, Ariz. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and will announced later by Schauer Schumacher West Side Funeral Home. Ralph Hauser Two brothers, Cyril and Dewayne, preceded him in death. Private funeral services were held today.

Schauer and Schumacher West Side Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Robert E. Leanna, 41, 2211 Barberry Lane, died Wednesday at home. He was born Oct. 31, 1937 in Waubeno and lived in Green Bay most of his life.

Mr. Leanna was a veteran and a machinist by trade. Survivors include his wife, the former Darlene Geier; three daughters, James (Lynette) Manders, De Pere; Mrs. Terry (Lynda) Hoffman, Green Bay; Kandace Leanna, at home; one son, Craig, Green Bay; one grandson, Chad Matthew Hoffman; his mother, Mrs. Dorothy Green Bay; one John Leanna, Green Bay; five sisters, Mrs.

Bonnie Phillips and Mrs. Dolly Thyrion, both of Green Bay; Mrs. Audrey Lemerande, ShawMrs. Mary Jane Theyse, Sturgeon Bay; Mrs. Lucille Lawerence, Sussex.

Robert E. Leanna Matty Says Voters Keep $1.7 Million MADISON (PG) "My constituents in the 88th District will save an estimated $1,702,143 in the eight -week period during which no state tax is taken out of their paychecks," State Rep. Richard Matty, R-Crivitz, said of the tax moratorium. Matty's district includes Marinette and Oconto counties. The 16 percent tax savings program will halt all state income tax withholdings between April 30 and June 27, resulting in an immediate $230 million state revenue reduction.

Those people who do not have state income tax withheld will receive a 16 percent tax credit on their 1979 returns. The program is in accordance with the governor's belief that the state should not take more money from the taxpayers than it needs to balance the budget, Matty explained. In his January revenue message, Gov. Lee Dreyfus called the power of taxation vested in the Legislature an "incredible trust" and ap, plauded the current trend toward tax cutting. "Campaign promises to reduce the state surplus and curb over-taxation are being well fulfilled," Matty said.

Fire Calls A "hands-on" small animal zoo will be constructed at the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary because of a $1,000 donation for the project by the Green Bay Downtown Lions Club. Baumann, sanctuary manager, said the 200 will include snakes, turtles, frogs, lizards, insects and mammals. The 200 will be for children and the handicapped, as well as others. Baumann reported that an attractive indoor small animal exhibit has been designed and will complete the living animal display area in the remodeled Nature Center at the wildlife sanctuary. Higher Production TOKYO (AP) China plans to produce 300 new lines of "good-quality" consumer goods in the next two years, including watches, bicycles, sewing machines and washing machines, the official Hsinhua news agency reported today.

Thursday, 8:05 a.m., squad call, 700 Morley Drive, Robert Rowan, 58, to St. Vincent. 8:31 a.m., service call, Irwin Avenue and East Shore Drive. 9:16 a.m., squad call, 1194 Raleigh Tom Thorpe, to St. Vincent.

9:43 a.m., squad call, 809 Lark Lawrence De Groot, 78, to St. Vincent. 11:29 a.m., squad call, 434 Baird Anne Bosch, 64, St. Vincent. 11:59 a.m., squad call, Mason Street and Crestwood Drive, Roger Safford, to St.

Mary's. 12:48 p.m., service call, 505 Abrams St. 2:04 p.m., squad call, 1719 Twelfth Lillian Schuch, 78, to St. Vincent. 2:22 p.m., squad call, 509 Phoebe Sandra La Maye, 79, to St.

Vincent. 4:17 p.m., squad call, 120 Hazel Dorothy Blodgett, 52, to St. Vincent. 6:04 p.m., car fire, 200 block of South Military Avenue, Connie Rabida, owner, $1,500 loss. 6:23 p.m., squad call, 400 Monroe Plaza, Myrtle Stange, 80, to St.

Vincent. GREEN BAY S. Webster Mary Rescue squad. ASHWAUBENON Friday, Feb. 23 Hickey, 54, to St.

Vincent. 2:14 a.m., squad call, 1219 Twelfth Frank Meert, 20, to St. Mary's. 5:24 a.m., squad call, 1830 August Theresa Snyder, 18, to St. Vincent.

ALLOUEZ Thursday, Feb. 22 10:46 a.m., squad call, 1100 Hastings Mildred Priewe, 76, to St. Vincent. Friday, Feb. 23 6:44 a.m., fire call, 502 Karen Lane, James Schmidt, owner, overheated furnace motor, no damage.

DE PERE Thursday, Feb. 22 2:11 a.m., Ash Beatrice Able, 74, to St. Vincent. 2:50 p.m. 623 George Dirty Dan's Tavern, Sylvester Courtion, 53, to St.

Vincent. 7:31 p.m., fire call, U.S. Paper Mills, sprinkler alarm set off by roof collapse, no fire. 9:45 p.m., squad call, 802 Cook Nam Nguyen, 23, to St. Vincent.

Friday, Feb, 23 3:58 a.m., squad call, 1322 S. Seventh Norbert Jansen, 60, to St. Vincent. EMERGENCY RESCUE Friday, Feb. 23 1:09 a.m., corner of Shadetree Blvd.

and Harwood, Howard, Theresa Wolfe, 18, to St. Mary's. DEPERE Thursday, Feb. 22 2:50 p.m., squad call, 623 George Sylvester Courtion, 53, to St. Vincent.

7:31 p.m., fire call, U.S. Paper, Fort Howard ceiling collapsed, no fire damage. 9:45 p.m., squad call, 802 Cook Nam V. Nguyen, 23, to St. Vincent.

Friday, Feb. 23 3:58 a.m., squad call, 322 S. 7th Norbert Jansen, to St. Vincent. 7:54 a.m., rescue call, 608 Craig assisted Allouez 12:08 a.m., squad call, 2271 True Lane, Teri Korotev, 27, to St.

Vincent. Howard Smith, 43, 246 Miramar died Thursday in a local nursing home. He was born Aug. 22, 1936 to Marshall and Charlotte Smith. Mr.

Smith graduated from East High School in 1954 and the University of Wichita, Kansas. Survivors are his mother, Mrs. Marshall (Charlotte) Smith; one, brother, Stephen, New York, N. one sister, Mrs. William (Sandra) McConkey, Jackson, Mich.

His father preceded him in death. There will be no visitation. Funeral 2 p.m. Monday at St. Anne Episcopal Church, 435 N.

Broadway, De Pere. The family will meet friends in the Miller Hall at the church after the services. A memorial fund has been established for the Curative Workshop. Schauer and Schumacher East Side Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Howard Smith Mrs.

Marcella Forkin Mrs. Marcella Forkin, 66, 3501 S. Clay died unexpectedly Thursday in Clearwater, Fla. The daughter of the late William and Emma Danek was born Dec. 25, 1912, in Forestville, Wis.

She lived in this area most of her life. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Keith (Barbara) Wautlet, Sturgeon Bay; Ms. Nancy Sturtz, Clearwater, four grandchildren; one brother, Curtis Danek, Green Bay. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ed, on Feb.

22, 1978, and also by one brother, Virgil. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and will be announced by the Cotter Funeral Home, De Pere. Norbert H. Jansen Norbert H. Jansen, 60, 1322 S.

7th. De Pere, died unexpectedly this morning in a local hospital. The son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jansen was 'born in Little Chute, May 6, 1918.

He was a veteran of World War II and served as a captain in the Transportation Corps in Europe. Mr. Jansen was a graduate of St. Norbert College, Class of 1948, and The Institute of Paper Chemistry. He was employed by Nicolet Paper Company for 31 years and was presently manager of customer service.

Mr. Jansen was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Knights of Columbus, and St. Boniface Men's Club. He married Marie Kempen Feb. 8, 1947.

Survivors include his wife; four sons, Ronald, David and Gary, all of De Pere; Jeffrey at home; three daughters, Mrs. Thomas (Marilyn) Knuth, Green Bay; Mrs. John (Jeanne) Valentine, De Pere; Carol, at home; seven grandchildren; one brother, Ralph, Coos Bay, Oregon; two sisters, Mrs. Emil (Ceil) Knezic, Reedsburg; Mrs. Robert (Alvina) Neller, Appleton.

One son, Peter, and one sister, Gladys, preceded him in death. Friends may call at Ryan Funeral Home, 305 N. 10th. De Pere, after 3 p.m. Sunday.

Funeral is scheduled for Monday morning at St. Boniface Church. Time to be announced later. Burial will be in Mount Calvary Cemetery. Ernest L.

Potter Ernest L. Potter, 60, Milwaukee, died Wednesday. He was born March 21, 1918 in Chetek, Wis. Mr. Potter was a sales representative for Coca-Cola Company in Milwaukee.

Survivors are one son, Stephen Dinkel; one daughter, Mrs. Gayle Harrison, both of Milwaukee; four grandchildren, Kari Dinkel, Kristin, Amy and Mark Harrison; one sister, Mrs. Oscar (Elizabeth) Thompson, Green Bay; one sister-in-law, Audrey Potter, Milwaukee; nieces and nephews. Friends may call at Krause Funeral Home, 9020 West Capitol Milwaukee, from 4 to 9 p.m. today.

Funeral 1 p.m. Saturday, at the funeral home. Burial in Wisconsin Memorial Park. Samuel W. Brown Samuel W.

Brown, 42, Rt. 2, Kewaunee, died Wednesday at the Kewaunee hospiHe was born April 1, 1986; in Manistique, to Florence Jones Brown and the late Samuel W. Brown. Mr. Brown moved to Kewaunee in 1970.

For nine years he was employed by Hamilton Mfg. Two Rivers. On Feb. 8, 1956, he married Doris Snellenberger, in Manistique, Mich. Survivors are his wife; his mother, Florence, Manistique, one son, David, Kewaunee; two daughters, Vincent (Ellen) Susan, both of Kewaunee; two sisters, Mrs.

Edwin (Ellen) Swingle, California; Mrs. Greyden (Ruby) Stone, Manistique, one grandchild. One son, James, prececeded him in death May 1, 1978. Friends may call at Buchanan Funeral Home, Kewaunee, after 3 p.m. today.

Funeral 1 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home with the Rev. Jere Stone officiating. Burial in Riverview Cemetery. Mrs.

Lottie (Farrar) Preiss Mrs. Lottie (Farrar) Preiss, 76, lifetime Wisconsin resident, died Thursday at an Oconto Falls nursing home after a short illness. Born Dec. 23, 1902 in South Dakota, she lived most of her life in Wisconsin. After her retirement, Mrs.

Preiss moved to Warsaw, where she became very active in religious organizations. She returned to Wisconsin in 1977. Survivors are one son, Allan J. Preiss, Chicago, five sisters, Mrs. William (Edna) Basler, Portland, Mrs.

Lyle (Violet) Davis, Mountain; Mrs. Fred (Mae) Davis, Bowling Green, Mrs. Cecelia Hassenfeldt, Rockford, Mrs. Howard (Jeanette) Cook, Crete, one grandson. One sister and two brothers preceded her in death.

Friends may call at Gallagher-Pinkart Funeral Home, Oconto, after 6 this evening. Funeral 10:30 a.m. Saturday at the funeral home with the Rev. Richard Sweitzer officiating. Burial in Laona Cemetery, Laona.

Schauer and Schumacher West Side Funeral Home, 838 S. Fisk St. after 9 a.m. Saturday. Funeral 11 a.m.

Saturday, St. Joseph Catholic Church, the Rev. Arthur Danks. Entombment in Al- Funerals W.P. Aschenbrener -At lougichara J.

(Dick) Mausoleum. Barbera-At Blaney Funeral Home, 1521 Shawano Ave. after 4 p.m. today. World War I Barracks 1199 memorial service 7 this evening.

American Legion service 7: 30 tonight. 40 et 8 memorial service 7:45 tonight. Parish wake service 8 tonight. Funeral 11 a.m. Saturday, Agnes Church, Msgr.

Richard Maufort. Fort Howard Cemetery. Herbert A. Hoglund Sr. -At Schauer and Schumacher West Side Funeral Home, 838 S.

Fisk St. after 10 a.m. Saturday. Funeral 11 a.m. Saturday at the funeral home, the Rev.

A. Ronald Helgerson. Fort Howard Cemetery. A memorial fund has been established for the Suamico United Methodist Church. Don't need it? Can't use it? Then sell it through GREEN BAY PRESS -GAZETTE Want Ads (LEGAL NOTICES) NORTHEAST WISCONSIN VOCATIONAL, TECHNICAL AND ADULT EDUCATION DISTRICT BOARD MEETING MINUTES January 10, 1979 2:30 P.M.

PRESENT: Mr. Gagnon, Mr. Nys, Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. O'Harrow EXCUSED: Mr.

Dow, Mr. Smits, Mrs. Wheelock. Moved by Mrs. O'Harrow and seconded by Mrs.

O'Brien that the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on December 13, 1978, be aption Carried, with all voting "Aye" on proved ed as presented to the Board. Movoice vote. Moved by Mr. Nys and seconded by Mrs. O'Brien that authorization be given for payment of the bills as presented: Bills Paid on December 31, 1978, Regular Monthly Bills, Construction Bills, $386,963.39.

Motion carried, with all voting on roll call. Moved by Mrs. O'Brien that Board approval be given for the inclusion of the additional space of the new building in the maintenance service agreement with Crest International under the conditions now in effect in our contract with them. Motion seconded by Mrs. O'Harrow.

Motion carried, with all voting "Aye" on roll call. Moved by Mrs. O'Brien and seconded by Mr. Nys that Board approval be given for the Field Services Policies, Board Exhibit 1, and the Student Conduct Policy, Board Exhibit 2, as presented to the Board. Motion carried, with all voting "Aye" on roll call.

Moved by Mrs. O'Harrow and seconded by Mrs. O'Brien that the District extend its Long Term Disability Insurance Coverage contract with the WEA Insurance Trust for a period of two years (January 1, 1979, through December 31, 1980). Motion carried, with all voting on roll call. Moved by Mr.

Nys and seconded by Mrs. O'Brien that Mr. Humphreys be authorized to attend the Computer Executive Program sponsored by 18M as detailed. Motion carried, with all voting "Ave" on roll call. Moved by Mrs.

O'Brien and seconded by Mr. Nys that the Board authorize out-of-state travel to Minneapolis for Lon Mishler and John Ribbens on May 24 and 25 for the purpose of the Credit Club Field Trip at a cost not to exceed $88.00. Motion carried, with all voting "Aye" on roll call. Moved by Mr. Nys and seconded by Mrs.

'Harrow that Board ap- ernmental Data Processing Study and survey. Motion made and seconded to adopt. vote required. Vote taken. Motion carried unanimously.

Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive. 17. Resolution submitted by the Finance Committee regarding transterring $275.01 to Coroner Maintenance Account to pay additional office operational expense for 1978. Motion made and seconded to adopt. 2 vote required.

Roll call taken. Ayes: Hinkfuss, Demeny, Berken, Stange, Young, Marinan, Hoslet, Soletski, Lemke, English, Pamperin. Noes: Bodart, Nager, Jacobson, Gable, Derro, Zolper, Ripp, Adams, Marchetti, Siegrist, Zima, Miller, Kropp, Bleser, DesJardins, Sanders, Dernbach, Fosterling, Cuene, Thompson, Janssen, George, Dewane, Hart, Garsow, Monfort, Roloff, VandenPlas, Marnocha. Excused: Ryba, Last. Ayes: 11, Noes: 30, Excused: 2.

Motion defeated. Motion made and seconded to grant permission for Supervisor Bodart to change his vote from no to aye. Vote taken. Motion carried. 18.

Resolution submitted by the Highway Committee regarding dealing with addition to the County Trunk Highway System in the towns of New Denmark, De Pere, and Eaton. Motion made and seconded to adopt. Vote taken. Motion carried. Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive.

19. Resolution submitted by the Legislative Committee regarding favoring reasonable limitations on State Government spending. Motion made and seconded to adopt. Vote taken. Motion carried unanimously.

Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive. 20. Resolution submitted by the Solid Waste Board regarding supporting statutory changes which would empower the Wisconsin Solid Waste Recycling Authority to designate recycling regions based upon economic and ecological considerations. Motion made and seconded to adopt. Vote taken.

Motion carried. Sanders voted no. Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive. 21. Resolution submitted by the Personnel Committee regarding extending hiring moratorium for 1979.

Motion made and seconded to adopt. Vote taken. Motion carried unanimously. Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive. 22.

Resolution submitted by the Personnel Committee regarding Brown County Labor negotiations and repeal of resolutions No. 22 adopted on December 20, 1978. Motion made and seconded to adopt. Vote taken. Motion carried.

DesJardins voted no. Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive. 23. Resolution submitted by the Brown County Planning Commission regarding amendments to Brown County Open Space and Outdoor Recreation Plan. Motion made and seconded to adopt.

Vote taken. Motion carried unanimously. Approved by: Don Holloway, County Executive. 24. Bills over $5,000.00.

Motion made and seconded to approve the bills. Vote taken. Motion carried. 25. All other bills.

Motion made and seconded to approve the bills. Vote taken, Motion carried. 26. Indian Relief Bills. Motion made and seconded to approve the bills.

Vote taken. Motion carried. 27. Poor Relief Bills. Motion made and seconded 1o approve the bills.

Vote taken. Motion carried. 28. Adoption of the journal of the day. Motion made and seconded to adopt the journal of the day.

Vote taken. Motion carried. 29. Adiournment to the next meeting. Motion made by Supervisor Young and seconded by Supervisor Ripp to adiourn to Wednesday, February 21, 1979 at 7:30 P.M.

Vote taken. Motion carried. Ronald J. De Lain County Clerk NOTICE OF REVIEW The Northeastern Wisconsin Health Systems Agency, Inc. reviews facility and program proposals submitted by health care providers as required by P.L.

93-641, the National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974. The Agency has received the Northeastern Wisconsin Component of DHSS Emergency medical Services Grant from the Northeastern Wisconsin Emergency medical Services Council, Inc. The total costs associated with the proposal equal $860.530. The review will be in two stages. The Project and Program Review Committee will hold a public meeting on March 22, 1979 at 7:30 p.m.

in the Conference Room of the Health Systems Agency office located at 828 Cherry Street, Green Bay. The NEWHSA Board of Directors will meet on April 5, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the NEWHSA Conference Room to make the Agency's recommendation on the project. These meetings are open to the public. An opportunity for comment from all who wish to speak on the proposed proiect will be provided at the Project and Program Review Committee meeting.

Written comments received prior to March 22, 1979 will be considered during the Review Committee deliberations. In accordance with the NEWHSA "Policy on Public Access to NEWHSA Records and Data," applications for review are available for public inspection or copying at the NEWHSA offices during regular business hours. STATE OF WISCONSIN BROWN COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT PROBATE BRANCH IV ORDER SETTING TIME TO PROVE WILL AND HEIRSHIP AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of ALMA E. GIESE, Deceased. A petition for the probate of the Will, and determination of heirship, of ALma E.

Giese, Brown County, Wisconsin, post office address 228 Oak Grove, Green Bay, Wisconsin, having been filed; IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The petition be heard at the Brown County Courthouse, In Green Bay, Wisconsin, on 1979, at the opening of court of thereafter; 2. Creditors' claims must be filed on or before May 7, 1979, or be barred; 3. All claims will be examined and adiusted on May 11, 1979, at the opening of Court or thereafter. Dated February 7, 1979 By the Court, James R.

Queoff Registrar in Probate SUPLICE GOULD, Attorneys 205 East Walnut St. Green Bay, Wis. 54301 Feb. 9, 16, 23 STATE OF WISCONSIN BROWN COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH 4 ORDER SETTING TIME TO PROVE WILL AND HEIRSHIP AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of SHERIDAN P. DEWANE, Deceased.

A petition for the probate of the Will, and determination of heirship, of Sheridan P. Dewane, Brown County, Wisconsin, post office address 1265 Lawe Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin, having been filed: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The petition be heard at the Brown County Courthouse, in Green Bay, Wisconsin, on March 9, 1979, at the opening of Court or therafter; 2. All creditors' claims must be filed on or before May 14, 1979, or be barred; 3. All claims will be examined and adjusted on May 18, 1979, at the opening of Court or thereafter.

Dated February 12, 1979 By the Court, James R. Quoeff Register in Probate Dewane, Gregorski, Dewane Kummer, Attorneys 1114 South 8th Street, P.O. Box 606 Manitowoc, WI 54220 ner, who has been a driver. Mr. and Mrs.

John Mackin, who have been volunteer drivers for Social Services for six years, will also be cited. In addition, 23 volunteers will be inducted into the 150 Club in recognition of having given at least 150 hours of service. That amount is recognized because it is equivalent to one month of employment. During 1978, volunteers gave more than 23,000 hours of time to Social Services. Their activities include working with youth and elderly, as well as providing transportation.

Youth work includes juvenile court activities and the Pals program, a companion program for children up to age 12. 7:19 p.m., fire call, 1320 Mahon Road, Brown County Mental Health Center, clothes burning in bathtub, $100 loss. 8:50 p.m., fire call, 3476 Golf Drive, no fire. 8:58 p.m., squad call, 1235 Main Gil Strombeck, 26, to St. Vincent.

10:06 p.m., service call, 1583 Careful Drive. 10:31 p.m., squad call, 1201 Doblon Olga Lorenz, 91, to St. Vincent. 11 p.m., squad call, 203 Oak Grove Antoinette Lax, 78, to St. Vincent.

11:37 p.m., squad call, 507 N. Broadway, Charles Schmidth, 34, to St. Mary's. Friday, Feb. 23 1:17 a.m., squad call, 704 S.

Taylor Sandra Meyer, 34, to St. Mary's. 1:34 a.m., squad call, 1239 Western Norbert Fonder, 54, to St. Mary's. 1:41 a.m., squad call, 310 Feb.

16, 23, March 2 NOTICE OF HEARING PROPOSED CHANGE OF ZONING ORDINANCE TOWN OF DE PERE, BROWN COUNTY, WISCONSIN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held, upon application of THE COMMUNITY BANK, before the Town Board and Town Zoning Comittee of the Town of De Pere, Brown County, Wisconsin, on Thursday, March 15, 1979, at 8:00 p.m.. in the Town Hall of the Town of De Pere, to amend the Zoning Ordinance, adopted July, 1960, together with the zoning map referred to therein, in the following respects, to-wit: That the following described premises be rezoned and changed from "'Agricultural District' to "Business District," to-wit: That part of the East one-half of the Southwest Quarter Section Thirty-three (33), Township Twenty-three (23) North, Range Twenty-one (21) East, lying East of County Trunk Highways and consisting of approximately seven (7) acres of land. Town of De Pere, Brown County, Wisconsin. Dated at the Town of De Pere, Brown County, Wisconsin, this 22nd day of February, 1979. Janet Lotto Clerk, Town of De Pere 23, Mar.

2, 9.

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.