The Charlotte News from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

Elec 1 2 1 1,20 2.20 1.55 1.20 1.20 1 1.11 20 20 2 2 1 3 1 50 2 32 35 213 132 32 32 39 25 10 22 12 11 11 24 13 05 15 11 35 12 15 111 17 34 19 76 50 84 271 30 239 211 31 221 173 17 10 10 1214 173 25 2914 7219 4 34 221 2 1.70 1.20 .75 ..52 2 103 31 72 323, 2 3212 3212 2912 311 1 1 2 32 2 New York Stocks THE CHARLOTTE Nov. 4, 1965 Businessmen In 4 THE A. Grant Whitney, executive vice president of the Belk Stores Insurance Reciprocal of Charlotte, was reelected vice president of the National Association of Independent Insurers today at the 20th anniversary meeting in Chicago. The group, the world's largest insurance trade association. is composed of independent property and casualty companies from all parts of the country.

John H. Lilliquist has been named sales engineer for the DoALL Carolina Co. of Char- lotte. Jeff R. Summers, comany president and district sales manager, announced.

Mr. Lilliquist will serve industrial r'ants and shops in eastern North Carolina. LILLIQUIST LILLIQUIST He makes his home in Raleigh. The company has headquarin Des Plaines, terse produces machine and cutting tools, precision gaging equipment and industrial supplies. Edward Morrison Brown.

chief designer and decorator for Wade Manufacturing Corp. of Charlotte, has been elected a of the board of direcmember, the Southeastern Chapter of the National Society of Interior Designers. He specializes in designing and decorating financial offices. stores and commercial buildings. Raymond E.

King charlife underwriter and tered, for Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. here, participated in a meeting of the National Association of Life Underwriters Committee on Social Security in Washington, D. Fiber Trends Subject Of Seminar Here Trends in the use of manmade fibers for civilian and military items will be discussed at the first Man-Made Fibers Seminar of the American Textile Manufacturers Institute Nov. 16 in the Savoy Barringer Hotel. Speakers at the morning sessions will include Louis Laun of New York, president of Celanese Fibers Marketing Dr.

S. J. Kennedy of Natick. director of the clothing and organic materials division, U. S.

Army, Natick Laboratories: James H. Hunter of North Adams, Mass, of James Hunter Machine and H. W. Close, president of The Cotton Mills, Fort Mill, S. C.

At the afternoon session there will be a presentation and discussion of declining exports and increasing imports of goods made from man-made fibers. Taking part will be Halbert M. Jones, president of Waverly Mills Laurinburg, chairman of ATMI's Foreign Trade Committee: Robert C. Jackson of Washington D. ATMI executive vice president: R.

Buford Brandis of Washington, director of the ATMI Foreign Trade Division, and A. Lee Parsons of New York. staff secretary of the man-made fibers and silk committee. Ronald R. Boyd of Spartanburg, S.

vice president of Deering Milliken chairman of the ATMI's man-made fibers and silk committee, will preside. The group will be welcomed by ATMI President J. Burton Frierson of Chattanooga, board chairman of Dixie Yarns Inc. Butter And Eggs CHICAGO (AP)-Chicago Mercantile Exchange: butter steady; wholesale buying prices unchanged: 93 score AA 92 A 90 89 61; cars 90 89 62. Eggs mediums weak, balance about steady; wholesale buying prices changed to 1 lower: 70 per cent or better grade A whites 38; mixed mediums standards 32; dirties unquoted: checks 25.

UnitAir n1.60 112 70 681 Unit Cp 19 Un Fruit 25 2634 UGasCp 1.70 32 343 Unit MM 1.20 11 293 29 293B USBorax 293 2938 2938 USGypsm 3a 6758 673 US Indust 80 18 173 US Lines 26 10 331 USPlywd 1.40 4758 471 US Rub 2.20 28 691 693 US Smelt 03 3558 3512 US Steel 2 5158 UnMatch ..50 191 19 UnivOPd 1.20 1.20 71 Upiohn Vanad Cp 1a 273 Varian As 39 23 VascoMt 1.80 42 4158 Vendo Co .50 18 3212 3212 1.20 40 5212 12 W-X-Y-Z Co 13 .50 29 .90 12 ,80 119 1.10 12 1.40 46 1.40 144 1.20 18 1.40 34 79 29 32 70 60 1.80 28 1.40 157 by The Today's Trade Trends Dow Jones Averages Prev. Close 11 a. m. 12 N. Volume 7,520,000 2.480.000 NA Industrials 961.13 964.75 964.14 Railroads 235.84 237.21 237.60 60 Utilities 158.24 158.54 158.69 Stock Averages Compiled 30 Indust Net Change A 2.0 Noon Thursday 522.5 Previous Day 520.5 Week Ago 520.6 Month Ago 505.9 Year Ago 465.2 1965 High 521.2 1965 Low 451.4 1964 High 475.8 1964 Low 406.6 By Associated 15 Rails 15 A 0.6 184.9 184.3 184.4 175.1 186.3 184.4 149.3 189.6 150.7 Airlines Strong In Heavy Trade NEW YORK (P Aircrafts, airlines and electronics were strong in a rising stock market today.

Trading was heavy. Key stocks advanced from fractions to a point or so. Wall Street cast off its usual Thursday caution which, has been based on fear the Federal Reserve Board might announce some credit-tightening measure such as raising margins for stock purchases. GENERAL MOTORS recovered fractionally from its recent skid. Chrysler and Ford also rose.

Aerospace contracts aided the stocks representing that industry. Boeing and United Aircraft were up 1 each, Douglas Aircraft a fraction. Airlines continued to run up as prospects for booming revenues remained unmarred. Eastern and American Airlines rose 1 each, Pan American and United fractions. Some of the glamour issues, victims of profit taking recently recovered.

Zenith and Polaroid gained 2, Fairchild Camera about Tishman Realty rose to on a block of 2,700 shares. The company has called for tenders of up to 500,000 shares of its stock at $25 a share. Arvin Industries, which climbed 7 to 46 yesterday on news it plans to introduce television sets with Japanesemade picture tubes, was delayed in opening due to a press of orders. Marathon Oil slipped to 55 on opening blocks of 25,000 and 22.500 shares. Pan American opened on 22,500 shares, up at 39.

Opening blocks included: Brunswick, up at on 7,800 shares; American Telephone, unchanged at on 13,000: Chrysler, up at 56 on and Transitron, up at 9 on 17,500. Press Util 60 Stocks A 0.6 A1.3 173.6 356.1 173.0 354.8 173.0 354.8 172.8 344.8 164.1 329.1 178.2 355.0 162.6 308.0 167.2 332.6 148.9 286.7 Prices were generally higher on the American Stock Exchange. Syntex gained 1. Up fractionally were Molybdenum. Gulton Industries, Felmont Oil.

Barnes Engineering and Oak Electro-Netics. Down slightly were Republic Industries, Mead Johnson and Aurora Plastics. TICKER TALK NEW YORK IP Stock market comment today included: BACHE "We believe, in the face of the aluminum incident, the proposed telephone rate investigation and the disappointment with the General Motors dividend. the market acts well. Certainly any one of the above mentioned could well have sparked a decline in a market.

We like the in weaker, some of the high fliers and speculative issues and believe this has strengthened the market's foundation." THOMSON McKINNON: "October's bouyancy in the stock market puts November's opening level of stock prices in the stratosphere a Lofty plane that is at once a distinction and a challenge. One factor that inevitably bolsters optimism among investors and traders alike is, of course, the flood of increased quarterly ARTHUR WIESENBERGER "We agree that the trend is upward and that stocks may move higher over the intermediate term, but the higher any particular rise goes the more vulnerable it becomes to some kind of reaction. Bull markets eventually founder on the rocks of inflated credit and tight money, and this one will probably prove no Bank Urges Money Care Earnings NEW YORK (P The nation's second largest bank has urged the government to take a more cautious fiscal and monetary policy line to head off the possibility of inflation. New York's First National City Bank indicated that higher interest rates would be one way of dampening the inflation threat. adjustments would help allocate funds in a free market and help postpone marginal projects," the bank said in its monthly economic letter.

"Price inflation generally occurs when the economy is overstimulated." the bank said. adding: "Government, which provides stimulatin when needed must also assume responsibility when it is Reynolds Sets Profit Record WINSTON-SALEM Sales and earnings of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. have established records for the third quarter of this year as well as the first nine months.

Estimated net earnings for the nine months were 000 up 9 per cent from the $90.932,000 of the year before. Sales increased 4.9 per cent to $1,257,619,000 up 4.9 per cent over the $1,198,473,000 of the 1964 period. Earnings per common share estimated at $2.44 for the nine months and .88 cents for the three months, up from $2.21 and .76. Burlington To Build New Ossipee Plant NEW YORK P- Burlington Industries, will build a $4 million plant near Ossipee, N.C.. to produce decorative fabrics for home furnishings, the company announced today.

It is to be completed in March. The 300 persons employed at the Burlington weaving plant at Ossipee will be moved to the new plant, and the Ossipee facilities will be used for warehousing and transportation. Deaths and Funerals Mrs. Williams Mrs. Scarborough NEW YORK (AP)-Following is list Hoff Electron 51 15 el selected stock transactions on the New Holly Sug 1.60 401 4012 York Stock Exchange with noon prices: Homesik 1.60 4838 Honeywl 1.10 76 A -B Honk 1.30 49 481 House 1.80 6834 Sales Houst LP 13 (hds.) High Low Last Cha.

Howe Sd .40 11 17 17 17 Abbott Lab 121 401 HuntEds 50b 292 2.5½ 25 ABC Con 80 21 243 Hupp Cp .251 31 63 ACE Ind 19 Ideal Cem 20 20 20 Address 1.40 37 61 2.40 x3 Admiral 184 55 54 Inger Rand 52 Air Red 2.50 7118 Inland St 25 47 Allen Co 20e 034 98 958 Insur NoAm 2 763 763 763 Allegh Lue 4834 4812 481: InterikSt 1.60 Alles Pw 1.06 23 283 2834 IntBusMch 535 53.5½ 27 Allied 1.90b 1 471 Int Harv 1.50 19 40 Allied Strs 83 83 Int Miner 1.20 74 65 65 AllisChal Int Nick 2.80a 25 Alum Lid 90 190 201. Intl Packers 014 934 207 40 7438 74 1.20 315. 313 IntPaper 106 Alcoa Amerada 2.80 21 7258 721 723 1,20 633 633 Int 47 AmAirlin 1.25 137 A2 JohnsManv 2 14 .506 Jon Logan .80 3512 A Bosch AmBdest 1.60 20 551 Jones 2.70 20 661 6614 5534 Am Can 43 563 Joy Mfg 2 24 71 703 AmCyan 2.30 AmEIPw 1.32 K-L-M Amer Enka Kaiser Al .90 x26 Am FPow 181 KayserRo .60 36 361 A Home 1.80a 26 781 783 Kennecott 5 14 125 Am Hosp .35 26 39 39 KernCLd 2.40 14 Am MFd .90 471 Kerr Mc 1.20 30 627 AMet CI 1.60 481 4758 KimbClark 2 16 53 523 A Motors 50 36 105 105 Koppers 2.40 64 AmNGas 1.70 511 21 Korvette AmOptic 54 Krespe 1.40 13 1.25 54 AmPhoto .20 119 812 Kroger 1.30 A Smelt 2.608 .60 Lear Sieg 22 Am Std 18 20 1914 LehPorCem Am 6518 65 Leh Val Ind .193 Am Tob 1.70 4134 Lehman 1.92g AmZino 1.40A 311 LOFGIs 2.80a 575 AMP Inc 50 14 475 471 LibbMeN .421 Ampex Co 94 233 233 5 26 Amph Corp 321 313 32 Lionel Corp 29 Anacon 2.75g 27 8358 Littonin 2.821 31 117 AnkenCh 03n 8 87 Livingso 431 17 10 10 ArmcoSt LockhdAirc 2 123 62 6134 Armour 1.60b 27 371 3712 Loews Theat 28 23 23 ArmstCk 1.10 6214 62 62 -ones Cem 63 17 Ashl Oil 1.60 48 LoneSGa 1.12 12 Atchison 1.60 18 1 Long Isl Lt 28 34 335 Atl Ret 2.60 26 8012 8012 8012 Lorillard 2.50 26 4538 Atlas Cp 69 25 212 LuckyStr 1.40 428 42 421 Auto Cant 80 26 Lukens StI 1 Avco Corp 1 65 24 237 Mack Trucks 34 433 Avnet .506 25 1734 MacyRH 1.40 Avon Prod 1 66 703 70 Mad Fd 1.70g Babco*kW 1.10 48 423 4112 4158 Magmac 2.60 13 563 56 Balt GE 1,44 23 39 39 Magnavox 215 713 70 Beaunit 1.40 4534 Marathn 2.20 554 55 Beckmn QA 961 Mar Mid 1.25 11 313 313 BeechAr 12 26 2558 Marquar 21 Bell How 40 30 37 MartinMar 116 Bendix 2.40 15 645 645 MayDStr 1.50 28 59 59 59 Benguet 05g 29 11 McCall x3 Beth Stl 1.50 75 3912 McDonA 50 5234 1.40 21 391 McKess 44 433 1.70 433 BigelowS Mead Cp 1.70 44 Boring 2a 45 Merck 1a 70 701 Borden 423k 423 BorgWar 4712 473 4718 MerChap 10 2514 2.20 MGM 1.50 15 4414 43 44 Brigas Str 2A 443 Mid SUt 1.24 53 53 53 BristMy 1.208 923 923 MinerChem 301 Brunswick 441 85. MinnMM 1.10 643. 64T Bucy Erie 2 19 585R Budd Co 80 13 Mo Kan TAx Mo Pac A 851 85 8514 Bullard 60 87 271 251 Mohasco .70 2412 Bulova 60b 13 201 2058 Monsan 1.45b 26 857 853, Burl Ind 38 4212 421 MontDU 1.40 4034 401 Burroughs 45 44 4358 MontPow 1.48 MontWard 351 4 355 C-D MorreliCo 1h 231 231: 23'1 Cal Finanl 43 Motorola 63 14394 140 Cal Pack 8 271 273 MISt TT 1.12 263 2624 Calum 80 10 24 237 CampRL -P Camp Sp Nat Airl 1.20 139 118 116 117 .90 Can Dry Nat Bisc 1.80 20 59 CdnPac 1.5a 693 NatCan 3 CaroP Lt 1.16 48 NCashR 1.206 45 71 71 Carrier 1.30 17 6858 NatDairy 2.60 12 CarterW .408 12 173 173 Nat Dist 1.40 13 32 Case JI 20 Nat Fuel 1.48 Cater Trac 25 4958 Nat Genl .20 10 10 10 CelaneseCo 2 127 8158 NatGyps 2b 28 375 Cenco Ins .30 36 36 NLead 2.259 28 Cent SW 1.38 27 49 491 Nat Steel 2 24 5458 Cerro Co 18 3814 Nat Tea 80 16 1.60 Cert-teed .70 21 201 Newberry JJ 15 191 1938 CessnaA 1.20 28 421 4134 421 EngEl 1.28 293 293 293 ChampSpk 15 427 4212.

NJ Zinc 1A 14 413 Checker Mot 15 15 15 NYCent 1.30A 25 Ches Oh Niag MP 1.10 10 271 ChiMil StP 413 421 A ChPneu 1.60a CON 417 41 NA Avia 2.80 34 5A 57 581 Nortik Wst 6A 2 ChRIPac 323 NorNatGas 2 8 6134 ChrisCrit 681 221 213, 22 Nor Pac 2.40a 533 Chrysler 2 347 565 561 561 NSta Pw 1.44 13 35 SIT Fin 1.60 82 3158 Northrop 1 55 CitiesSvc 1.50 28 441 Nwst Airl .80 62 120 120 1.44 21 4258 425 425. Norton 1.40% 8 CocaCola 1.70 78 OccidentP .60 340 281 Colg Pal .90 34 293 OhioEdis 1.06 Collin Rad .50 441 OlinMath 1.40 21 CBS 1.206 49 39 3838 Otis Elev 2 13 52 52 Col Gas 1.28 40 30 293 30 Outb Mar .80 547 19 Col Pict .991 5 Owensill 1.35 33 58 58 ComiCre 1.80 15 36 OxfdPap 1.20 36 47 47 ComSolv 1.20 Pac EI 1.20 19 373 373 Comw Ed 2 21 Pac Ltg 1.30 22 283 Comsat 189 4038 391 Pac Petrol 21 101 Con Edis 1.80 32 451 451 1.20 12 27 ConElecind 1 18 353 Pan Am .60 686 CnNGas 2.30 22 741 735 7358 Panh EP 1.40 23 ConsPow 1.80 58 58 58 ParamPict 2 3 Contain 1.20 8 ParkeDav 1a 27 Cont Air .60 255 44 Peab Coal Cont Can 2.40 11 62 62 Penn Dixie 133 Cont Ins 2.60 26 651 653 Penney 1.50a 68 68 Cont Mot .40 133 133 Pa PwLt 1.44 36 Cont Oil 2.40 53 Penn RR 1a 553 55 Control Data 342 391 Pennzoil 1.40 15 Corn Pd 1.50 17 55 PepsiCo 1.60 16 CoxBdp8s .40 10 333 PfizerCha 1a 14 66 trowCol 1.391 14 37 3658 37 PhelpsD 3.40 31 773 775 Crown Cork 12 Phila El 1.48 Crown Zell 2 13 5234 Phil Rdg 1.20 18 537 533 Cruc St1 1.20 17 25 2458 PhilMor 3.60 Cudahy Pk 10 67 Phill Pet 2.20 24 59 59 Curtis Pub 325 1038 Pitney Bow 59 491 48 48 Curt Wr 39 1956 1938 1958 PitPlate 2.60 75 Dan River 9 29 Pit Steel 11 DaycoCp .406 79 2434 24 243 Polaroid .10 122 951 Day PL 1.24 3478 1.85 16 Deere 1.60a 61 4438 437: 4438 Pubikind 31 83 834 3e DeltaAir 1.60 25 1267 12578 1263 S6 Pullman 2.40 581 581 Den RioGW DetEdis 1.30 14 373 371 3712 Q-R-S Det Steel 60 20 15 15 RAC Corp 16 20 DiamAlk 2.20 681 68 68 RCA 260 453 Diam Alk wi RalstonPur 11 Disney .406 Rayette .48 53 25 25 Dist Seag 351 35 35 373 Rayonier 1.40 26 DomeMn 37 37 Raytheon .60 108 3 DougAir 263 66 65 Reading Co 8 20 Dow Ch 1.80b 32 7758 ReichCh 16 14 14 Draper CP 1 39 31 RepubSteel 2 39 43 Dresser 1.60 23 Revion 1.30 28 421 42 DukePower 1 30 4234 4212 423 Rexall 31 45 45 du Pont 3.75d 38 248 Reyn Met .75 170 465 Dug Lt 1.40 11 323 321 3214 Reyn Tob 2 50 473 DynamCp .40 26 101 10 RheemM 1.20 RichtOil 1.80 19 743 E-F-G Rohr Corp 16 East Air Lin 178 84 841 RoyCCola .52 EastGF 2.471 11314 RoyDut 1.85g 58 445 4458 20 110 110 RyderSy 36 173 17 East Kod 1.40 Eaton Mt 2.20 14 Safeway St 25 EdgeGG .200 22 247 StJosLd 2.60 12 48 ElBondS 1.55 2 SL SanF 1.50 451 451 EIPASONG 55 21 StRegP 1.406 36 12 Emer El 1.20 571 571 San Imper 53 73 73 738 571 EmerRad .40 48 193 Schenley 1a 26 321 32 End John 29 29 29 Schering 1.80 10 743 ErieLack RR 141 73 77 Schick 83. 814 Ethyl Cp .50 4258 4214 SCMCorp .881 445. EvansPd 5412 5358 Scott Paper 375 373 Eversharp 24 Seab AL 1.80 16 477 FairCam 501 11538 110 GD 1.30 26 55 Fairch Hiller 150 Sears Roe 1a 56 633 63 Fansteel Met 1634 Seeburg .60 a 223 Fedd Corp 1878 Servel 53 FedDStr 1.60 16 693, 70 Shell Oil 66 66 66 1.70 FerroCorp 257 253 ShellTra 201 20 20 FedDStr 1.60 70 693 70 Sher Wm 1.90 573 57 573 FerroCorp 253 Sinclair 2.20 633 Filtrol Cp 2 421 42 4214 SingerCo 2.20 663 66 Firestne 24 4238 42 421 Smith 1.60a Est Chrt 1.17f 22 231 231 Socony 2.808 18 Flintkote 1958 SoPR SUg 1g Fla Pow 1.20 48 4758 SouCalE 1.25 40 41 Fla PL 1.40 727 SouthnCo 1.92 10 701 FMC Cp 120 14 7712 7712 SouNGas 1.20 3334 3334 3334 2.40 129 601 60 SouthPac 1.50 71 Fore Cair ..50 1778 177 South Ry 2.80 20 591 591 Freept 641 64 64 Sperry Rand 378 1758 173 FruehCa 45 3178 SquareD 1.60 Gem Sko 341 343 StBrands 2.40 74 Accept Std Kollsman 18 223 S1Oil 320 Gen Cig 189 291 Cal 2.50 79 781 781 GenDynam 49 4 491 StOilind 32 49 4834 4834 Gen 60 1167: 116 NJ 3.15g 34 807 S1O 8034 Gen Foods StdOilOh 1.80 28 6438 64 641 GenMills 1.40 60 St Packaging 913 938 GenMot 5.25g StauffCh 1.40 487 485 GenPrec 381, 38 24 343 343 StevensJP 573 2 PubUt 46 8 Studebaker 201 201 20 GTel El 112 188 44 441: Sun Oil 1b 6014 Tire Gen .60 62 Sunray 1.40 36 Ga Pacific 16 5934 Swift Co 2 91 51 51 GettyOil 10g 34 34 Gilete 1.20a 49 T-U-V GlenAla Tampa Goodrch 90 551 El 291 SE. TenGes 1.16 Goody 1.25 59 48 43 48 2458 Gt Nor Ry 3 59 1.20e 36 .40 272 73 OraceCo 1.20 55-4 TexE Ten 1.05 8012 1.40 1 25 TexGSul 213 Texaco 2.40 27 8012 12 Texasinstm 1 Finl TexP La .359 3 211 Gt West 143 11 Textron 1.80 773 77 22 GtWSug 1.60€ Thiokol 44 19 Greyhnd .90 Tidewat .68 Oil 18 491 495p Grumn A 27 Tim RB 1.80a 24 49 4812 49 Gulf 28 Trans oil 30 60 Air 126 583 6058 Gulf 2 5942 Transem 37 Ut 403 395: 28 24 28 Gull .72 14 Transitron 912 894 918 H-I-J Twent TriCent 1.139 291 5218 2914 HamPer 1.60 491 491 491 Un Carbide 98 753 Hanna Co 1a 146 50-s Un Elec 47 277 1.12 273 16 UnOlICal 531 HeclaMng Herc Por 19 4138 Un Pac 1.80 18 431 43 4234 1.20 Hertz 43 501 Un Tank x1 645 Hew Pack .20 UnAirL 1.508 100 Funeral services for Mrs.

B. R. Williams, 52. of Rt. 9, will be held at 3:30 p.

m. tomorrow at McEwen West Chapel. The Rev. A. T.

St. Clair, pastor of Memorial Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Sharon Memorial Park. Mrs. Williams died yesterday.

Born June 9, 1913, in Mecklenburg County, she was the daughter of Mrs. Ruth Starnes Kinley of Charlotte and the late Zeb W. Kinley. Surviving are her husband; a daughter, Mrs. J.

B. Hearn of Charlotte: two sons, Boyd Williams and Joe Edgar Cannon of Charlotte: her mother: a sister, Mrs. W. O. Fowler of Charlotte: four brothers, Paul Kinley, L.

J. Kinley, Harry Kinley and Vernon Kinley of Charlotte and nine grandchildren. The family will receive friends from 7:30 to 9 p. m. today at McEwen Funeral Home.

Robert Armstrong Funeral services for Roy Armstrong, 74, of Rt. 4, Matthews, will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at Philadelphia Pres-. Church in Mint Hill. The Rev.

Russell M. Kerr, pastor, will officiate. Graveside services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in Rockingham. Mr.

Armstrong died unexpectedly yesterday at his home. Born July 6, 1891, in Ontario, Canada, he was the son of the late Robert and Joanne Melrose Armstrong. He was a member of Woonsocket Masonic Lodge and Eastern Star Chapter No. 3 in Rhode Island, and was a retired executive with Worsted Mills in Woonsocket. Mr.

Armstrong was a member of Philadelphia Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lessie McIntosh Armstrong: a daughter, Mrs. Marvin Armstrong Poole of Charlotte, and three sisters. Mrs.

Irene Ross of Providence, R.I., Mrs. David Tuttle of Woonsocket, R.I., and Mrs. Emil Severin of New Haven, and four grandchildren. The family will receive friends from 7 p.m. today McEwen Funeral' Home in Mint, Hill.

Miss Parlier Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow co for Miss Lucy Mae Parlier, 71, of 220 Cottage in Harry and Bryant Chapel in the Oaks. Conducting the funeral will be Dr. Joe Griffin, minister of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Gastonia, and the Rev. Robert Shelby, minister of Belmont Lutheran Church.

Graveside services will be at 11:15 a.m. tomorrow in Hollywood Cemetery, Gastonia. Miss Parlier died yesterday in a local hospital after a long illness. She was born Oct. 14, 1894, in Mecklenburg County, daughter of the late John T.

Parlier and Comallie Artemus Parlier. She is survived by two brothTelephone Telegraph Co. a as traffic operator until her retirement 23 years ago. She was a member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Gastonia. She is survived by two ers, J.

M. Parlier of Gastonia Jacob T. Parlier of Hickory. Mrs. Johnson Funeral services for Mrs.

Beulah Mae Johnson, 81, of Rt. 1, Huntersville, will be held at 11 tomorrow in Cavin Funeral Home, Huntersville conducted by the Rev. Charles Reichard, pas-, tor of Purcell Methodist Church. Burial will be in Covington, Ga. Mrs.

Johnson died yesterday at home. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. M. G. Simpler of Charlotte and Mrs.

Robert English of Griffin, two sons, I. M. of Charlotte and S. T. Johnson of Dallas, nine grandchildren, and eight greatgrandchildren.

Mrs. Helen Gavin A funeral mass for Mrs. Helen Federal Gavin. 51, of Columbus, former of Charlotte, will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at St.

Athanatious Catholic Church in Philadelphia, Pa. Bishop Lennox Federal will officiate. Burial will be in National Cemetery in Philadelphia. Mrs. Gavin died Monday in Columbus.

Friends are sending memorials to the American Cancer Society. Mrs. Johnson REP. JONAS Jonas Says Senate May Repeal 14B By BOB GLENDY News Staff Writer MONROE-Eighth District Congressman Charles R. Jonas told members of the Monroe-Union County Chamber of Commerce that Congressional Action Committee he isn't sure the can stave off efforts repeal SecItion 14B of the Act.

sate 'The Lincoln County Republican spoke at a luncheon yesterday during his annual visit to Union County. "The filibuster which forestalled bringing the issue to a vote on the floor of the Senate just bought some time. The House has already voted to repeal Section 14-B and the issue before the Senate in January," Rep. Jonas said. "There will be no chance to utilize the filibuster again and the only real hope to defeat the move to repeal will have to come in convincing those wavering senators that there is no real desire to repeal this section of the Taft Hartley Act," he said.

REP. JONAS held office hours. in the City Hall during morning and afternoon. visiting with Union County constituents. No local problems came up but many of the congressman's visitors were interested in legislation which could affect them.

Rep. Jonas said he wished that the state would go ahead and redistrict and get it over with. "There has been SO much talk concerning redistricting for a number of years and recent Supreme Court "lecisibe which established a one-man-onevote aparently something to be done," he principle, said. "I have heard so much about redistricting and a number of rumors concerning what might happen that I would like to see it done and over with." Rep. Jonas said.

"The one man one vote edict will mean that some of the counties will have to be moved into eastern he said. "Changes in the Eight, First, Second and Sixth districts as well. as a few others would be necessary," he explained. Rep. Jonas indicated he might consider moving to Mecklenburg County should redistricting result in gerrymandering of the districts to separate his home.

county, Lincoln, from more populus Mecklenburg. Mecklenburg has strongly supported the eighth District Republican in campaign after campaign. His margin in Mecklenburg has consistently insured his victory over Democratic opponents. Neil S. Zeigler, CPA, Dies At 80 Neal S.

Zeigler, 80, retired certified public accountant and former president of United Commercial Travelers, died today in a local hospital. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at McEwen West Chapel. The Rev. Thomas B.

Stockton, pastor of Dilworth Methodist Church, and the Rev. Lindsay F. Strader, associate pastor, will officiate. Mr. Zeigler was born April 20.

1885, in Birmingham, son of the late Payton L. and Ann Thompson Zeigler. He was former president of North Carolina Certified Public Accountants, and he lived at 2133 Charlotte Dr. Surviving are his wife. Mrs.

Bess Rountree Zeigler, and a number of nieces and nephews. National Deaths DICKEY CHAPELLE DA NANG, Viet Nam (AP) Dickey Chapelle, 47, internationally died known today war correspondent-photographer, wounds suffered by a Viet Cong land mine. Four Marines were injured. Miss Chapelle was on a news and picture assignment for the National Observer and for WOR-RKO General Radio. She was born in Milwaukee.

DR. HAROLD M. HILDRETH Mrs. Bessie Johnson of 2305 LOS ANGELES (AP)- Dr. Harold for Olando St.

died today in a local Hildreth, 59, a consulting psychologist the National Institute of Mental Health hospital. died Tuesday of a heart attack. Hildreth, Funeral plans were incomplete of for Falls the fall Church, training was meeting in Los of the Angeles Los early this afternoon. Angeles Suicide Prevention Center which Grier's Funeral Home is in he helped to set up several years ago. He was born in Franklin, Neb.

charge of arrangements. ADVERTIsem*nTS BIDS WANTED will be received by the City Manager of the City af Sealed proposals Carolina, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall until Charlotte, North A.M. on Tuesday, November 23, 1965, at which time they Ten (10:00) o'clock will be publicly opened and read for the furnishings of the following 4-Standard Solo Type Motorcycles, As Specified. 2-Truckster Units, As Specified. Proposal must be on standard forms furnished by the City and must be marked, "PROPOSAL FOR MOTORCYCLES AND TRUCKSTER Proposal forms and specifications may be obtained at the office of the City Purchasing Agent.

Each proposal must be accompanied by a deposit equal to of the net price bid; this deposit may consist of Cash or Cashier's Check issued by or Certified Check drawn on a Bank or Trust Company authorized to do business in North Carolina or on a Bank insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or a U. S. Money Order, payable to the City of Charlotte; or Bid Bond issued by any Insurance Company authorized to do business in North Carolina, the deposit to be retained in the event of failure of the successful bidder to execute the contract within 10 days after award or to give satisfactory surety as required. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals. W.

VEEDER CITY MANAGER Funeral services for Mrs. Helen McRae Scarborough, 47, of Canaan, formerly of Charlotte, will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at McEwen West Chapel. The Rev. W.

Harris Blair of Gastonia will officiate. Burial will be in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Mrs. Scarborough died yesterday in Canaan. Born Feb.

7, 1918, in Chesterfield County, S. she was the daughter of Mrs. Florence R. McRae of Lancaster, S. and the late Hugh A.

McRae. Mrs. Scarborough was a member of Glenwood A.R.P. Church. The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m.

today at McEwen Funeral Home. Mrs. Samuel Wallace Mrs. Samuel M. Wallace, 89, of 6743 E.

Independence died today in a local hospital. Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p. m. tomorrow at Sardis Presbyterian Church. The Rev.

James G. Stuart, the pastor, and the Rev. Francis B. Mayes associate pastor, will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Wallace was born March 5. 1876, in Mecklenburg County, daughter of the late John M. and Jane Smith Wilson. She was a member of Sardis Presbyterian Church where she was active in Sunday School and circle work.

Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. C. C. Allen, Mrs. Kent T.

Paterson, Mrs. A. Henry Haigler of Charlotte and Miss Florence Wallace of the home: two sons, S. Bruce Wallace and M. Ray Wallace of Charlotte: eight grandchildren, and SIX greatgrandchildren.

Out-Of-Town Deaths MRS. S. J. DAVIS. 64.

of Winston-Salem, died Sunday 111 Winston-Salem. Funeral services were held Tuesday. She was the sister of Charles W. Stuart and Mrs. Blanche Barbee of Charlotte.

MRS. R. C. STUCKEY Knoxville, formerly of Charlotte, died yesterday in Knoxville. Funeral services will be held today in Knoxville.

Manns Mortuary is charge of rangements. She was the aunt of Dr. Charles L. Stucky of Charlotte. F.

H. Plexico Rites Sunday Fred H. Plexico. 74, president of the Bible Book Store at 4721 N. Tryon and Plexico Products a chemical manufacturing firm, died yesterday at his home, 2107 Randolph Rd.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at McEwen West Chapel. Burial will be in Woodlawn Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Sharon, S. C. Mr.

Plexico was born Jan. 10. 1891, in Sharon. S. son of the late Samuel and Ella Goode Plexico.

He was a member of First Presbyterian Church, the Christian Businessmen's Committee the Board of Directors of the Charlotte Rescue Mission. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Louise Black Plexico: two sons, Fred H. Plexico Jr. of Portales.

N. and Linville H. Plexico of Charlotte: a brother, Holmes Plexico of Salisbury; a sister, Mrs. J. R.

Harrison of Columbia, S. 14 grandchildren, and 13 great NEW YORK Combustion Engineering reported earnings of $7,135,650, or $2.25 share, during the a nine months ended Sept. 30. The company said the earnings were produced by sales of $257,603,537. The 1965 figures compared to earnings of $5,624,000, or $1.79 a share, sales of $209,242,000 during the comparable period of 1964.

Equitable Gas Co. for the 12 months ended Sept. 20: Net income $7,873,121 $6,570,694 A share 2.99 2.44 Sales 67,368,142 62,186,225 Armstrong Paint and Varnish Works Inc. for the nine months ended Sept. 30: Net income $1,197,188 1,103,268 A share 1.62 1.49 Sales 20,468,467 19,658,318 Unexcelled Chemical Corp.

for the nine months ended Sept. 30: Net income $484,682 228,825 A share 83 cents 41 cents Sales 20,667,002 16,417,671 Inc. for the six months ended Sept. 30: Net income $6,359,996 5,657,265 A share 84 cents 75 cents Sales 43,508,644 39,982,659 Lear Siegler Inc. for the three months ended Sept.

30: Net income 31,878,897 1,469.643 A share 47 cents 37 cents Sales 54,150,605 43,078,054 Random House, months ended Sept. Net Income A share Sales for the nine 30: $831,829 591,328 65 cents 46 cents 18,154,230 15,396,160 Consolidated Electronics Industries Corp. for the nine months ended Sept. 30: Net income $7,068,000 5,721,000 A share 1.61 1.30 Sales 187,871.000 168,119,000 Kaweckl Chemical Co. for the nine months ended Oct.

1: Net income $382,960 A share 33 cents Sales 13,542,154 11,107,665 Sunray DX Oil Co. for the nine months ended Sept. 30: Net income $27,566,000 25,228,000 A share 1.50 1.38 Duncan Parking Meter Corp. for the nine months ended Sept. 30: Net income $286,000 217,000 A share 57 cents 37 cents Sales 3,519,000 3,485,000 H.

M. Harper Co. for the nine months ended Sept. 30: Net income $867.549 806.271 A share 68 cents 62 cents Sales 16.645,486 14.170,592 Wallace and Tiernan Inc. for the nine months ended Sept.

30: Net income $6,861,037 A share 1.65 1.31 Sales 71,683,791 65.860,671 General Fireproofing Co. for the nine months ended Sept. 30. A income $1,849,525 1,166,681 share 1.56 98 cents Sales 41,384.522 34,781,017 Standard Oil Co. of Ohio, for the nine months ended Sept.

30: Net income $33,553,795 31,602.045 A share 3.04 2.87 Sales 386.138.660 352.802,037 ABC Consolidated Corp. for the nine months ended Sept. 27: Net Income $3,868,691 3,067,195 A share 1.41 1.11 Sales 106,814,998 90,956,241 Spartanburg Man Killed At Work GREENVILLE, S. C. (P Walter J.

Collins, 52, of Spartanburg, was killed yesterday while doing repair work at the Union Bleachery. Coroner George W. McCoy said death was apparently due to electrocution. He ordered an autopsy. PLACE YOUR SAVINGS WITH NORTH CAROLINA SAVINGS LOAN ASSOC.

F.S.L.I.C., INSURED Current Dividend Rate Compounded 3801. N. INDEP. BLVD. PH.

537-7825 FREEDOM VILLAGE PH 392-8308 IF IT'S INSURANCE 32 Years Continual Service Ed. L. Beam VaEIPw Walworth WarnPict WarnLam WnAirLin WnBanc WUnTel Westg El Weyerhr Whirl Cp WhiteM Wilson Co WinnDix Woolworth Worthingtn Xerox Co YngstSht Zenith Copyrighted 1.20 73 17 17 39 39 391 3812 44 44 8 581 401 39 39 381 3634 365 36 2812 281 281: 39 39 175 403 403 401 109: Associated Press 1965 Associate FIRE CASUALTY CURANC AUTO NOR AGE NO 109 ID W. 3rd St. bi REAL ESTATE is be or.

The Charlotte News from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.