The York Dispatch from York, Pennsylvania (2024)

Wea 14 LEE REINEBERG SON 7-11 South George Street SPRING GROVE ---111 g-ue-sts tin Sunday at a birthday din-I THE YORK DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, 12, 1930. RAILROAD I 1 im int r-) 9 11 4 Lr t'iLd Hi-Grade- Dairy I 6890 1 6890 1 I I 1 i i 14 THE YORK DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, 12, 1 9 3 O. 4' SPRING GROVE g-uests Sunday at a birthday din- i I i i LEE RENEBERG A 1 (L7'74 0, (' 9 1 1 li .7 .4 4,,,) i 1::1 SO 1 Hi rad a i 1 ,1 ill -e Di rlY Go -DL. i 1 d-11 South George Street IA 6890 1 I 1 i Most Folks Past 40 Break Down Easy iLion Most Folks Past 40 Diamonds and Watches SIEVERS DEVERS 17 S. George St.

JEWELERS YORK, PA. J10-tt D. amends anti atches A- A l'attOrt. 1- -g Pti eI Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel Dale, Mrs. Pal)) le and daughter, Jean, spent Sunday. at Gettysburg, they visited Mrs. Garves Myers. Mr.

and Mrs. John Everhart and daughter. Alverta. of North York, on Sunday evening were entertained at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs.

Ellis Fink. Mrs. Leon Desenberg was the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.

W. D. Slonaker, Saturday. Yrs. William Smith, of York.

was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Emma Blessing. recently. Miss Florence Blessing, who was confined to her bed by illness, is able to be about again. Miss Helen Bigler was the guest of Miss Arlene Cox, of Red Lion, over the week-end.

Miss Verna Kindig, who has been ccnfined to the house by tonsilitis for the past few days, is able to be out again. The evangelistic services whioh hive been in progress at the Otterbein United Brethren church, Emigsville, during the past two weeks. came to a close on Tuesday night Miss Bessie Swam. an evangelist in a Baltimore Mission society. who assisted the pastor.

returned to her honie on Monday. The Saginaw Community Sunday school, which has been supporting ard educating a child in the Near East. sent in its last offering Surday. The Jerrsalem r. B.

Sunday school. Starview, has selectPd the progn.m. "Hail the Lord of Life and Glory" for the annual Easter service. Superintendent Charles Decker 13 directing the assignment of parts. Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Dale, Mrs- Pal)) Dale and daughter, Jean, spent Sunday. at ettysburg. they visited Garvea Myer s. duhter.

Alverta. of North York, on Mr. and Mrs. John Everhart and Sunday evening were entertained at tbe home oe of Mr. and Mrs.

Ellis Mrs. Leon Desenberg was the Wdefinite guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W.

D. Slonaker, Saturday. wasl a striLesWto her Smith, of York. sister. Mrs.

Emma 7 Abff 1 AMOr ner served for Mr. Chronister's I Languaa and Conduct of Women at 1 Rebecca Baker. at the home of Ra4Roan. March 12.The I Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Ititaar, Aspers, of the Christian Endeavor so( Basketball Gams allak Hen I Adams county. Mrs. Baker celebra- Messiah Lutheran church on Blush tedher S5th birthday anniversary. esenin was lead by T. It Itc SPRING GROVE, March 12.Com- Mrs.

Henry Hershey and Mr. and lhe program was as follcrwsi "As a Volunteer." by the were made by fans at the Mrs. Cleon Stover and children were gcripture reading, 11Ith Psalm baskett all between the Friend- entertained Sunday at the home of Martin. president; Scripture rea pa-ap company and the Rei Mr. and Mrs.

Bert Hershey, North' the subject. "How and Why Lion 'team at the Papermakers Codorus township. i Others for Christ." by the gymnaslum on Saturday night. of Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Stambaugh and prayer; singing. In the Gardi roaoli.ism the society; daily readings. Llo, on the part of some of FOrIN, Robert Fred and Clair. and beim. Bowden Stake.

Mrs. Irsvi attending. i and atria. Leonard Myers, York: ner. Ruth Klinefelter.

Lena Stul Speaking to a reporter for this and Mn. George W. Sauter and Mai N. Reichard. and Marie paper yesterday, one of the fans and Mrs.

John M.Stambaugh, Mengesi singing. "What a Friend." by te41 -The strange thing was that; Mills, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry clety; chorus. "Dare to Be a I tl-e charge of improper conduct at Rabe, this place, were entertaineli Minnie Klinefelter.

Ethel Ann Ruth the game must be laid to the door oft Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bradfield. Ruby Nace, and Warner. Mildred Bradfield V.

alp sex. One woman in par- Henry R. Stambaugh, South East pointed to conduct the next icula acted in such objectionable street. Mr. Stambaugh.

who has been There were readings, "The I manner as to make even a hardene-1 suffering for some time from an in- Service," Mamie Newcomer; maie blush." fected leg, is unimproved in condi- Over," by the leader. It was learned that epithets wer3 Lon. --The following were visitors hurled in man-iike manner by some Mrs. Frederic Lentz. York, spent home of Mr.

ansti.eMTrsh. M. E. Ho the visiting women attending the the week-end with her parents, Mr. Sunday: arns Blanche aaanadn game.

and Mrs. C. W. Mout. South Main neaghea.

and Iran Raffensberge, Orchestra to Play street. Bizierville, Adams county. MurrmerCe orchestra. Jackson Levi Loughman. Hanover.

spent Visitors at the home of 3 township. will entertain at the auto- yesterday with his brother-in-law Mrs. Clifford Walker on Sunda air. and Mrs. Charles Sielii mobOe show tomorrow night at the and sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Noel, spring Grove garage. The orchestra North Water street. daughters.

Gene and Patricia. Lion; Mrs. H. G. Sidling.

Shre include in its program old-time George H. Luckenbaugh, radio and Gertie Walker. this place. tunes' and popular numbers. Atten- dealer, is building a private office at Bowden Stake.

this place. dance at he show has been large his show rooms on North Main in the A and store at Nes every nrht this week. street. Clair Gable. a local contrac- dcm.

attended a business rnef. will ri iscot the company at York on Tuesd ino Farming tor, is doing the work. Ming. iloaard Lehr. tenant for a number Mr.

and Mrs. John H. Luckenhaugh Visitors at the home of 3 rf years on the Zach Lauer farm, and children, North Water street: 3irs. Wm. L.

Klinefelter recent Vest Manchester township. will dis- Mr. and Mrs. Wilford E. Lau and air.

and Mrs. Thomas Singer, pose of his farming implements sal children, South Main street. and Mr. Walter Klinefelter and soi live at public sale within the and Mrs. Paul Shearer and children, Ind Glenn.

all of Shrewsbur near future. Lehr will discontinue South East street, spent framday at I ens. Stultz, of New Freedom. the pastor: the farming. John D.

Kern. Pair Sta- the home of Mr and Mrs Amos Fair Instead of male fected leg, is unimproved in condiIt was learned that epithet, wer3 tOrt- in man-iike manner by some Mrs. Frederic Lentz. York, spent of the vting women attending the the week-end with her parents, Mr. game.

I and Mrs. C. W. Mout. South Main Orchestra to Play street.

MurrmerCe orchestra. Jackson Levi Laughman. Hanover. spent township. will entertain at the auto- yesterday with his brother-in-law mobi.e show tomorrow night at the and sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Noel, spring Grove garage. The orchentra North Water street will include in ita program old-time George H. Luckenbaugh, radio tunes and popular numbers.

Atten- dealer. is building a private office at dance at he show has been large his show rooms on North Main every mght this week. street. Clair Gable. a local contracwill Farming tor.

is doing the work. Howard Lehr. tenant for a number Mr. and Mrs. John H.

Luekenbaugh rf years on the Zach Lauer farm. and children, North Water street: I.Vest Manchester township, will dis- Mr. and Mrs. Wilford E. Lau and pose of his farming implements anl children.

South Main street. and Mr. live at public sale within the and Mrs. Paul Shearer and children. near future.

Lehr will discontinue South East street, spent Vunday at farminse John D. Kern. Pair Sta-I the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Fair.

uku-RoArx March 12.The of the Christian Endeavor Messiah Lutheran church on eening was lead by T. It he program was as follcrws: "As a Volunteer." by the Scripture reading, 11Ith Psalm. Martin. president; Scripture the subject. "How and Why Others for Christ." by the prayer; singing.

In the Garden." the society; daily readings, Lloyd Bowden Stake. Mrs. Irwin Ruth Klinefelter. Lena Stultz. N.

Reichard. and Marie singing. "What a Friend." by chorus. "Dare to Be a Minnie Klinefelter, Ethel Ruth Bradfield. Ruby Nace, and Warner.

Mildred Bradfield to conduct the next There were readings. The Service," Mamie Newcomer; Over," by the leader. --The following were visitors home of Mr. and Mrs. M.

E. Sunday: Mrs. Ner Thomas and Marian. Blanche and Iteighes. and Ivan Raffensberger.

Biglerville. Adams county. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Clifford Walker on Sunday Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Sieling daughters. Gene and Patricia. Lion; Mrs. H. G.

Sidling. and Gertie Walker. this place. Bowden Stake. this place.

In the A and store at New attended a business ihe company at York on Tuesday Visitors at the home of Mrs. Wm. L. Kline(elter recently Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Singer. Mrs. Walter Klinefelter and sons. Ind Glenn. all of Shrewsbury: 1 ena Stultz, of New Freedom.

Instead of the pastor. the Languag and Coeiduct of Women at! ner served the Mr. Chronister's Rebecca Baker. at home of: 12.The Basketball Game Mak Men I Mr. and Mrs.

arry, Asper's. of the Christian Endeavor 11ING GROVE, March tedh Mrs Itenr Blush 5th birthday anniversary. was lead by T. It Hershe and Mr and i Adams county. Mrs.

Baker celebra-. Messiah Lutheran church on eening gag follows lhe program was as I "A a Volunteer." by the were made by fans at the Mrs. Cleon Stover and children were reading, 111th Psalmsoci. ba-kett all Kaa-ne between the Friend- entertained Sunday at the home of president; Scripture company and the Rei Mr. and Mrs.

Bert Hershey, North' the subject. "How and Why team at the Paper-makers Codorus township. i Others for Christ." by the gymr.a,,..-T, on Saturday night. of Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Stambaugh and prayer; singing. In the Garden." the society; daily readings, Lloyd rw-is ism on thp tart nf some of Rnhprt .,,,1 .,..4 SHOW CASES Sank. Store. 0121ce Fixtures and Barber Prompt Service Swartz Cabinet Works R000evolt Ave. and R.

York. Pa. 7 7 hi r- 7- i "l- i fo 4 I -rr fill 1, az, t1 1 7 NT riv.tle, tri TALKING PICTURES MADE BY FORMER YORK BOY Gilbert G. Brown. formerly' of York.

IcIt some time ago for New York city where he became engaged in radio engineering work during the day time and went to Columbia university at night. Mr. Brown spent one year with a radio. company in its development laboratoHes. Later he spent two years as departmental head of the electrical test and Inspection departments of a radio company.

He then gave up this work to d3 announcing and engineering -vork with the National Broadcasting company. where his voice has been heard over station WEAF and its net--works. When the talking movie buvt ness showed possibilities Mr. Brown 'eft NBC for experimental work in the talkies. After some time in the laboratories the R.

C. A. Photophone company sent Mr. Brown to Hollywood to do sound work in the talkies. where he made such pictures as "Street Girl." "Side Streets," "The Very Idea," 'Woman to Woman," "Troopers Three" Ft nd many others.

When the demand came for a radio receiving set for automotive use. Mr. virown turned his attention to this phase of engineering and has perfected the smallest six tube receiver ever manufactured. which is- covered by 17 patents and patent applications. among which is the Brown remote control.

for which he has made a name for himFelf in the engineering world. WOMEN'S ORCHESTRA CONCERT ON MARCH 20 Sponsored by the City band of York. the Women's Symphony orchestra. of Philadelphia, will be presented in concert in the William Penn High school auditorium at 8:15 p. m.

Thursday. March 20. The aim of the City band in bringing the fine musical organization to York is twofold. First is the it will give to patrons of rlusic to hear a remarkable performance by women; second. the intention to add such profit as may be realized to a fund to buy new uniforms.

The Womens Symphony orchestra. of Philadelphia is a well-balanced organization of 60 women of fine talent. J. W. F.

Leman, an artist of brilliant ability. is the conductor. and efforts in training the musicians have attained results such as make it of the art institutions of Penrsylvanias metropolis of which Philadelphians feel Justly proud. That pride is eing shared by the citizens of the state at large. The orchestra was organized in by Mabel Swiht Ewer as a result of a general impression among women artists in Philadelphia and vicinity that was available.

It is i an organization which ofters vor, muslcians exceptional opportunix to Study the best orchestral music unoer experienced leadership. Cutistanding suceess pt-oves the need ot orchef-Ara. Enthusiastic and crowded houses are the rule. row-Jed housPs are the ruIP. BY FO RMER YORK BOY TALKING PICTURES MADE r- Gilbert G.

Brown. formerly of ork. kit some time ago for New York city where he became engaged in radio en- gineering the day time work 8.nd went to Cduring olumbia university at night. Mr. Brown spent one year with a radio company in its development laboratories.

Later he spent two years' as departmental head of the electrical radio 0 and company inspection ahy: He tdepartments heh gave of as iautitls- in 'raining 'tie mualciar's nave a ined results such as make it ore of the art institutions of Penrsyl: vanias metropolis of whieh Philadel- phians feel justly proud. That pride is 1 eing shared by the citizens of the srat, at large. bY Mabel Swint Ewer as a result of a The orchestra WRS organized in Int- general impression among women art- ists in Philadelphia find vicinity that sufficient wiis available. It is an organization which of- ter mus'cians exceptional op- i nortuni I. to tud th best oche sy rstrl al music unoer experienced th 'I Cutstanding suceess ves ot or Enthusiastic and crow.led house are the rule.

YORK NEW SALEM Fire Company Will Determine Type of Apokratua to Buy at Meeting Tonight YORK NEW SALEM, March 12. At the meeting of the Community Fire company this evening it is expected that definite action will be taken on what type of apparatus to buy for this community. The meeting will be at 8 o'clock in the school building It will be open to the public. All those interested in adequate fire protection in this place and vicinity will be welcomed to the meeting. There will be an open discussion on the purchase of apparatus and a vote will be taken.

The company has had a committee Investigating the various types of apparatus and there was a demonstration in the village. Wayne Schwartz, the president, will preside. A party was given at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Ehrhart in honor of Margaret Gladfelter, who celebrated her birthday anniversary.

Tile evening was spent in games and music. Refreshments were served to Mrs. E. G. Hoffman and children, Naomi, Esther, Jennie, Fannie.

June, Glenn and Paul: Alice Becker, Mrs. Norman Gunnet and children, Carson and Elaine; Mrs. Persey Bressler Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and children, Harry, Pauline, Marie and Rodger.

Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shive were John V. Grove and grandson, James, of Spry, Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Conway and daughter. Audrey: Mr. and Mrs. John Snive, Mr. and Mrs.

J. A. ShIve, Mr. and Mrs. George Shiva ard Mrs.

Clayton Emenheiser ard children. Carrie and Lester: Miss Kathryn Zinn, all of York; flay Shive, New York city. and Mr. zird Mrs. Large Shive.

of York. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Eyster recently were pntcrtained at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Philip Arnold, Shiloh. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Eyster children, Norma. Clark arcl Gcrdon.

spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Eyster. Miss Naomi Zopp. a student nrrse at the York hospiThl, visited her gra ndl)arents.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mummert, on Sunday. The Rey. Fred S.

and con. pful. were dirner guests at the of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder and Jcrry Bupp motored to Hanover on Monday right Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zellers and son.

Maynard, spent Sunday with 7AIrs. Zellers parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rice. Wioto.

Mr. and M-s. William visited the former's sister, Mrs. Herman Altland. Spring Grove.

YORK NEW SALEM Fire Corn Will Determine Type, pa an of Apparatus to Buy at Meeting Tonight YORK. NEW SALEM, March 12. At the meeting of the Community Fire company this evening it is ex- pected that denite action will be taken on what type of apparatus to buy for this community. The meet- n-iil hat of 2 tinrIc in tha a n'h nest Mr. and Mrs.

Seymour Eyster abd children. Fr'-ala, Norma. Clar ar cl Gc.rdon. spent Sunday evening with NIr. and Mrs.

Ervin Eyster. Miss Naomi Zopp. a student na.rse at the York visited her gra nd')arents Mr and Mrs. Daniel AlUntme.rt., on SPrday. The Bev.

Fred S. an" were dirmer guests at h'' Iome of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder on Sunday Mr and Mrs. Frank Sn yder and Jirr Bupp motored to IIanover Mr and Mrs.

Melvin Zellers and On Monday son. Maanard, spent S'unday with 7AIrs. Zellers parents, jr. 3, and Mrs. John Rice.

ioto. Mr. and M-s. William ised the former's sister. Mrs.

Her- it I-7Jan Altland. Spring Grove. 3-1 now 1---itiv- lnx if ri'' 7 I 1. 1 t. 7 -4 NEW SPRING DRESSES, NEW SPRING COATS NEW WING SUITS Arriving Daily.

Come and Sea Them. NEW SPRING DRESSES-, i NEW SPRING NEW SPRING SUITS Arriving Daily. Come and Sea Them. 1 1 7 1 YOE BOROUGH tier will be the auctinoneer. The West Poplar street, West York.

clerks be Harry C. Fishel. Bair Will Observe Anniversary Staticn. and Walter S. K.

Brown. Plans for services in celebration of LaBott. the first anniversary of the Birth is Announced cation of Wolf's Union church, were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kern.

Nash- made at a mreting of the Joint con-announced the birth of a son. of the Reformed and Luther-I yesterday morning. Hi3 name will an congregations on Monday night.1 he Paul. Jr. Acmording- to present plans the ser-i Improving After Operatiom vice-A will be held on the afternooc! Mrs.

Harry Zech. North Codorust ot Sunday. May 11. The church was township. Is Plowly recovering from re-dedicated on April '2 1929.

A the eefette of an operation for the re-: si ecial program will be given. The moval of part of a goiter at the Lev. Edward V. Stra-sbaugh. pastor, hospital in Danville.

Pa. The worn-I of the Reformed congregation. and an3 condition. which has been the Rev. C.

P. V. Hesse. pastor of serious. has improved so greatly lhat the Lutheran congregation.

will she PI return to the hospital with- preach. In the near future fur a final opera- The Rev. Edward V. trasbaugh. tin.

pastor of the Paradise Reformed At Undertakers' Meeting charge. will preach a sermon on Carl It. Shaffer. local funeral dir- Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at ector spentt last night at Harrisburgi Wolf's Union church. Sunday school, where he attended the monthly, will be held at 9 a.

m. In the after-meeting of the Capital City noon at 2 o'clock he will preach at eine vi return to the hospital with- Preach-In the near future fur a final opera- The Rev. Edward V. trasbaugh. tin.

pastor of the Paradise RE-formed At Undo-takers' Meeting charge, will preach a sermon on Carl It. Shaffer. local funeral Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at ector, spentt last night at Harrisburg. Wolf's Union church. Sunday school, where he attended the monthly, will be held at 9 a.

m. In the after-4 meeting of the Capital City noon at 2 o'clock he will preach at! 1 mix 11 ilLI iik)A1 Ms Harr Zech North Codoru ot Sunday la 11 The church wa I township. is Plowly recovering from! re-dedicated on April 1. 1929. A the, erre(ts of an uperation for the re-: si eclat program will be given.

The 'ev Sa-sbaugh pastor c't Pa7t. a goiter at the, I Edward tr In Dan' Pa. The wom-i the Reformed congregation an I condition hc ha ee th serious an3 Vk ih ba Rev. P. Hess ptor of e.

as has improved so greatly that. the Lutheran congregation. will she return to the hospital with- preach- i In the near future fur a final opera- The Rev. EdiKard S'trasbaugh tin pastor pastor of the Paradise Reformed At Undortakers. Meting charge.

will preach a sermon on Carl II. Shaffer. local funeral Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at ector spentt last night at Harrisburg. olf's nion church school unay scoo where he attended the monthly will be held at 9 a In th after- 4 meeting of the Capital City noon at '2 o'clock be vvill preach at; 714) 4. ST Pain and Itching from Piles! New Spring Footwear New Sorinz I ootwear meeting society at Sunday Hoffacker.

Singing, society; Marie reading on to Win leader; by Wilhelm. Warner. Mrs. Martin; the society; Daniel." Amspacher. Arlene was appointed meeting.

Price of "Talk It at the Hoover on daughter. Bertha all of Mr. and were and of Red Shrewsbury. a clerk Freedcm. meeting evening.

Mr. and were Mr. and Earl Miss Rev. M. E.

Smith. conducting mid-week prayer ervicen during the Lenten season. the Women's 'Misionary society of 'Messiah Lutheran church will conduct Lenten et rvices each Thursday evening. The for Thursday nightit meeting will be "Let Us Pray With Hearts ItcoNed Down in Prayer and Adoration. Lenten self-denial offering boxes iave been distributed among the memrs of Messiah Lutheran church for use during the Lenten season.

Eighty per cent of the funds derived will go for regular current expenses of church and the remaining V) per cent for ben evalence. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kettermnn and ion. Philip.

and daughter. Gladys. of On Sunday visited at the home of Mrs. Barbara Fortner and Mr. and Jirs.

Charles Newcomer. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm and children. Francis and Mae K.therine.

motored to Winemiller's mill where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilhelm. Mr. and Mrs.

Virden Mundis and daughter. Hilda. of Red Lion. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

T. H. Hoffacker. The Mi-omens Missionary society of Messiah Lutheran church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

John Wilhelm. The president. Mrs. Jennie Helb, had charge of the meeting. The topic was The Younger and Older Churches The memhers sang "The Churches." alter' which the Rev.

M. E. Smith off red prayer. Mrs. E.

N. Reichard. secretary, called the ma and read the minutes. Mrs. James Martin conductr- the leseon.

The leaflet was read by Mts. Saranda Niece. Mrs. Irwin Warn was chosen to conduct the next and Nirs. Mettle Wilhelm to read the leaflet.

The place for the next meeting will be announced later. The members sang "The Son of God Goes- Forth to War" and "Work -for the Night Is Coming." The meeting adjourned with the repeating of the Lords prayer. A tray luncheon vas served. Those present were Mrs. Jennie Belt).

Mrs. Irwin Warner. Mrs. Sarah Shearer. Mrs.

James Martin. Mrs Saranda Nace. Mrs. Mattie Mrs. John Kerchner.

Mrs. RIcharl Masenheimer. the Rev. and Mrs. M.

E. Smith. Mrs. Victor W. Ruby.

Blanche Irs. S. E. Amspacher. Mrs.

E. N. Reichard. Mr. and Mrs.

John Wilhelm and children. Mrs. Palmer Reichard and daughter. Shirley Aneta, of Tolna. visited at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. E. N. iceichard. Mrs.

James Trout visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Keys.

Freeland. Md. Mrs. John Kerchner and son. Daniel.

Lizzie Strotbeck, J. Nelson McDonold. and Daniel Kurchner visited the latter's wife. a. patient at the West Side 'sanitarium.

York. The following from this place took part in the en rent-teacher meeting held at Gerbrick's school. near New Freedom: Mr. and Mrs. George Kline-letter.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rohrbaugh. Mrs. C.

O. Walker. Ivx Hershey. and Ruth Klinefelter. Others making the trip were Clara Olp.

Mrs. Cl ries Newcomer. Mrs. Anna Anthony. Gertie Walker.

Norman and Glen Lohrbatb; h. meeting society at Hoffacker. Sunday Si Singing Marie reading on to Win leader; by Wil- ur.c asap, -----i- per cent of the funds der and the remaining 20 per cent fe.rirregular current of Ablerneavnadienicres Bruce Kettermnn and ork on Sunda visitd at th I ee dip. and daughter. Gladys.

of of Nirs. Barbara Fortner and an M. ''ll-s. Charles Newcomer. Nir.

and Mrs. John Wilhelm and children. Francis and Mac motored to Winemiller's mill where they visited Mr. and Mrs Charles Wilhelm. Mr.

and Mrs. Virden Mundis and NI and Mrs. I the home of 'aim( av a aaughter. Hilda. of Red Lion.

spent T. H. Hoff. acker. messiah Lutheran church he vt, omen Nlissionary society of met at the.

borne of Mr. and Mrs. John illielm. The president. Mrs.

Hell). had charge of the meeting. The topic wits Younger and Older Churches Merril'er5 5'11' tater' which the Rev. M. E.

red Mrs. E. N. Re char NI i Martin conduct- zuntit7s, I's. arn sercretary.

the roa and read the the les3on. The leaflet w-as read by aranda Nace. Mrs. Irwin War- '16' rt. was chosen to conduct the next and rtirs.

Nlattie Wilhelm to rcad tbe leaflet. The place for the next meeting will be announced later. --eln lers sang The I The on of God Forth to War" and "Work for ('c'es The meeting the Night Is Cc'rning fourned with the repeating ot the The followin from ths plare too J. R. Keys.

Freelance eta. Mrs. John Kerchner end son. Dan- lel. Lizzie Strotbeck, J.

Nelson McDon- old. and Daniel Kurehner the lattees wife. a patient at the West sanitarium. York. -g' ik pert in the les rent- teacher meeting held at Get-brick's school.

neer New Freedom: Mr. and Mrs. George Kline- leiter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rohr- Hershey.

and Ruth Klinefelter. Others eaugh. Mrs. C. O.

Walker, 1.. making the trip were Clara Olp. Mrs. Cf ries Newcomer. Mrs.

Anna Anthony. Gertie Walker. Norman and Glen itohrbausle agh 4 EAST MARKET STREET 1 i i 71r Clfil. rah els i 1 I 1 ..1 4 EAST MARKET STREET I I i 'g o'''' all i--, 1: 111 eg) i' -Jo-- i I -I-ii; 0 1 Don't put up with painful piles another day or hour. There is positive reiiel.

very often. for the very worst case. PyLarnid uppositories are to stop the painand evn all itching. Pyra, mid. Remember the tame, and you can soon 4 forgetyour piles.

4 In other words, suffering from piles is needlemt. Just sat yo any Pa yra- mid '1PIte druggist; sixty cents. mpl coo. Don't put up with pa. in- ful piles another day or hour.

There is posi- I've reiiel, very often. for the very worst case Pysarnid buppos itories are to stop the painand es all itching. Pyra- ''i: mid 4 the tame. and .1 ou can soon --It; 7 In other words.

suffering from e. I Just say Pyra- I mid to any complt druggist; sixty Trips. I cents. U. OF P.

INSTRUCTOR TO I I OF P. INSTRUCTOR TO I A A I I Evangel-1 I FREE TOP rig IC 116N'. I I 1 .7 I Pyt 's co corn' ort box Pyra Tvlier corn? owl nos ,.0 YOE. March 12.The U. B.

Intermediate C. E. society was represnted at the York Co. C. E.

rally, in the Calvary Lutheran church. Dover, on Tuesday evening. by the following members: The Rev. J. A.

Shettel. Esther Shettel. Florence Gibson, Joyce Slenker. Elizabeth Shenberger, Flo Kohler, Rebecca Shcnberger, lora Edna Barshinger, Mildred Attig, Almeda Attig, Ethel Eager, Lillian fa*ger, Mary Gladfelter, Helen Reichaft, Frances Snyder. Ma McSherry, Hilda Snyder, Kenneth Taylor, Harold Miller, Richard Reichart, Lloyd Snyder.

James Fger, Walter Attig, Levere Miller and Harry Snyder. The Rev. Joseph Miller. pastor of the Evangelical church, and the Rev. Clair Kreidier have returned from Williamsport, where they attended the Central Penna.

Evangelical conference. The Rev. Miller has been returned to the lecal Evangelical pastorate for another year, this being his third term at this place. The Rev. Kreidler has received his first appointment in the conference, and will take charge of the pastorate at Bryansville.

The Rev. Kreidler the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kreidler, of Yoe. Mrs.

Eliza Gibson. of Lewistown, returned to her home, after spending several days at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Gibson. Mr.

and Mrs. Rudolph Kaley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaley, and children, of Mechanicsburg; Mr. and Mrs.

John Lehr, Mr. and Mrs. John Hershey and children. of York. and Miss Minerva Reever, of Bowmansdale, were guests at the home of the Rev.

and Mrs. .1. A. Shettel. Mr.

'and Mrs. Melvin Horn and son, Eugene, of Lancaster, spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Horn. Miss Theilma Shellenberger, of York, spent several days with her grandparents, Mr.

and Mts. W. H. Seehrist. Miss Lorraine Frey, of York, is spending some time with her grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. C. S. Snyder. Mrs.

Jane Collins, of Windsor, was the guest of Mrs. Cassie JOyce Slenker Elizabeth Flo Kohler, Rebecca I' lora Glatfelter, Edna Barshingerd Mildred Attig, Almeda -kttig. Ethel fa*ger. Lillian fa*ger, Mary Glad- felter. Helen Reichart, Frances SnY- de Ma csherr t.

my Hilda Snyder, Kenneth Taylor, Harold Miller, Rich- ard Reichart, Lloyd Snyder. Jamea Fger. waiter Attig, Levere Miller and Ilarry Snyder. The Re v. Joseph Miller, pastor of the Evangelical church and the Rev.

Clair Kreidler have returned from Williamsport, they at tended the Central Pen Evangeli- cal conference. The Rev. Miller has been returned to the local fnr being his third tern' at this place. Tho Kreidler has received his pp first EL ointment in the conference and will take charge of the pastorate at Bryansville. The Rev.

Kreidler ii the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kreid- ler, of 'Yoe. --Mrs. Eliza Gibson, of Lewistown returned to her home, after spending.

several days at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. vt itliam Gibson Mr. and Nrs. uopaey, Mr.

i Rdlh Kl II Mrs Robert and Kale and children spending eome time with shersngryan Snyder. parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Jane Collins, of Windsor, st'as the guest of Mrs. Cassie Sny- Directors' association.

The meeting Holtzswarn Union church. Sunday was at the show rooms of the school will be at 1 p. m. On Casket company. day at 2 p.

the Rev. Mr. StrasAnnounc Spring Communion baugh will teach his catechetical The Rev. J. N.

Faust, pastor of class at woirs church. Ltschey's Reformed charge, announ- Wins Honors at F. and M. Andrew M. Herahey.

on of Attorney ard ced that he will conduct spring corn- lid rs. A. J. Hershey. near town.

won first munion ry es at St. Peter's (Lis- honors in the MI) graduating class at chey's) Union church on Easter Sun- Frani, lin and Marshall college. La ncnste day. April 2n. at 9:30 a.

m. At ser- I it was announced yesterday. HersheY vices tri be he.d on Sunday. March 1 receive the only cum laude awardsd ih 23. at In a.

m. the Rev. Nit Faust year. Thei-e are six honor students. Harsher wd deliver a rmon on "The Dif11- will receive a bachelor of arts 14.

i se ccm men-ement on June 2. --ulty of Escaping Jesus." The young man is graduate of tile 'fork Mrs. Charles. Rice. North Codorus Collegie institute.

class of 1921. He township. is in charge of the organ led aftertvards for a year at Merceribtp-g for the Reformed congregation at academy and then tight country school for Lischey church. after an absence of lour years. He folkwed that with a SUM 's er course at Millersville State Teachers' a year.

Mrs. Rice had to pursue college, and then enrolled at Franklin and course of study to flt her to play the, Marshall. lie was president of the Law eluc) new organ installed a year ago. Iler, and a member of the Torch club. He intends pikes had been taken by Miss Esther, to enter either the University of Pe a nay' Director s' association.

The meeting'. Ifoltzswarn Union church. Sunday l. wa5 at the show room of the school NA-il be at 1 p. On Satur- Casket copany.

1 day at 2 p. the Rev. Mr. Stras- Announc Spring Communion I baugh will teach his catechetical 1 The Rev. J.

N. Faust, pastor of class at Woirs church. Lischey's Reformed charge, announ-I Wins Honors at F. and M. ced that he will conduct spring corn- 1 Andrew M.

Hershey. Son or Attorne, ard I I Hershe) near town. won- fir.t I honors in the graduating munion ervices at St- Peter's (Lis -I Chey. a) nion on Eas ter Sun-1 I curch and Marshall college. Lancaster at day.

ApriUl 2o. at 9:30 a. m. At ser- I it was announced yesterday. HersheY' Nvill 1 vices tu be bed on Sunday.

March' receive the only cum laude awarded 23. at In a. m. the Rev, --alma I Year. There are six honor students.

Hershey 1 I will receive a bachelor of arts 14. wid deliver a sermon on "The Ditli- I i ccrnmenrement on June 2. -ulty of Escaping- Jesus." I th Mrs. Charles. Rice.

North Codorus! I The young man is graduate of tile 'fork I Collepriee institute. class of 1922. He I tw nship, in charge of organ led aftertvards for a year at Merceribtv-g 1 the Reformed congregation at i academy and then tight country school for! ADDRESS VETERINARIANS The Use of Serums and Vaccine in I the Field of Veterinary Medicine" will be discussed by Dr. Malcolrn J. HarIdris, instructor in the University of Pennsylvania 's School of Veterinary Medicine, at a combined meeting of rhysicians and members of the Cumberland Valley Veterinary club to be lield in the Carlisle hospita Cr1ise.

at -o'clock next Tuesday evening. 1 The Cumberland Valley Veterinary club is composed ic.f practicing veterinarians in Dauphin. Cumberland. Franklin, Fulton, Adams. and York counties.

Phonograph records in 10 different gunges are sold in Egypt ADDRESS VETERINARIANS The 'Use of Serums and Vaccine in the Field of Veterinary Medicine" will! i be discussed by Dr. Malcolm J. Har- i rnVeeetteirnigh a kins, instructor in the University of Scocmhc'bilnec'df IveendnieF-leN a nalat Sa rhysicians and members of the Cum- berland Valley Veter mart- club to be oe I' Id i Carlisle hosplta. at 'o'clock next Tuesday evening The Cumberland Valley Veterinary club is composed af practicing vetert- narians in Dauphin. Cumberland.

rann, Fulton, Adams, and York kli counties i PYRAMID DRUG Co. "7 Pyramid iktarshall, Mich r'Ital. end Tr, a plan'y wrapped, esuet, p-eity-tA. and free .4 diress. Ci.1 State I I 01 i PYRAMID DRUG Co.

't, a a sl e' i Pyramid iklarshall. Mich. 7 end r'. a a rx pla.nty wrapped, sof p-szpiud. and free.

I 1' .4 diress. I State NEW SPRING I COATS and .1 DRESSES 7 NEN SPRING COATS and MB HOMAN IS CAUSED BY ACIDS 66 and Mrs. Melvin Zellers moiered to Porters Side ling on evenirg- where they visited Mrs. Zellers' sister, Mrs.

Charles Elaine. Wi7ford Smith. of Carlisle. th -e-eek-end with his parents. Mr.

Mrs. E. E. Smith. Mr.

Smith is f.rnployed by the Shearer Drug comPnaY and was formerly a student at the Shearer training school at Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Crist and Mr.

and Mrs. George Kopp spent Sunday efternoon at Lehman where they visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. John Myers and Mr. hnd Mrs.

Ira Jost ph. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lauer and son, John, and, were dinner guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Israel Lauer, York. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murnmert recently Mrs. Mummert's ister.

Mrs. John Front. Hanover Junction. Sponcor Improved Art NEW YORK iA')To foster better architecture the American Institut of Architects is sending to high and vocational schools an exhibition showng samples of modern and Mrs. Melvin Zellers mo- to Porters on Mond venrec- where they visited Mrs.

Zellers' sister, 'Mrs. Charles Elaine. --Wi7ford Smith. of Carlisle. eek-end with his parents.

Mr. Mrs. E. E. Smith.

Mr. Smith is fmployed by the Shearer Drug corn- pnay and was formerly a student at the Shearer training school at 'Washington, D. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Crist and Mr.

a reNh. El tCSe'c foster better A rinan Institute of Architects is sending to high and vocational schools an exhibition showng samples modern archi- COLD STORAGE FOR FURS 2 V2 4- 2 voctIC. Pt ep Neoax. rq. or Hsrvara law achool.

Services Announced The Rev. J. N. Fausi. pastor of Liachey's Reformed charge.

will conduct services on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at St. Paurs Union church. Stoverstown. and at 9. Jalsob's Union church.

York New St.lern. at 2 p. m. Sunday school will be an Nitik-r, this place, who relinquished the p4yst as organist last Sunday. Entrtain Girls' Guild Mins Erma Troop arid Miss Esther entertained the members of the Girls Missionary guild of Mt.

Zion Reformed church at the twins REMODELING AND REPAIRING SUMMER PRICES NOW YORK FUR SHOP, Inc. 1 31 North George Street LT 46200 j8-m-tu-vr-tt Sals We Must heep Feet Dry. Avoid Exposure. Eat No GREAT HOUSE OF CO. X) than the services at both ch.ivrhe.s of Miss Troop parents.

Mr. and Mrs.1 The monthly meeting of the Women MIL- F. Troop. North Main street. on The society of St.

Jacob la church Monday night. A'proogram was giv- be held tomorrow nircht at the home of en. All the members attending the Mrs. Daniel Eyster. York New Salem.

meeting. The Rev. F. S. Geesey.

pastor of the PA Cly to Chicago Muhlenberg Lutheran charge. will conduct services on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Weller.

son-at Christ Lutheran church. Jackson town-in-law and daughter of Mrs. Lucy and at 2 p. at St. Peter's Kraft, South Main street.

have gone Lischey's Union church. North Codoris to Chicago. where they have taken township. Sunday chool will be an Nov: art apartment Mr. and Mrs.

Welier earlier than the services at both chuTcheti. formerly lived in Wilmington, Spring communion services will be held where Mr. Weller Wila employed by p*rnantheyoforkilowNing Sstu.ndJaacyobA'sprLiluth6; the Du Pont company. The company' at 9:30 a. Christ Lutheran church.

transferred him to Chicago som Jackson township. Sunday. April 13. at time ago. They spent the week-end i 9:30 a.

St. Faun' Union. Stoverstown. at the Kraft home. Easter Sunday.

April 21. at 9:30 a. m. Some of the Sick and St. Peter's iLischey's).

Sunday. Ao-il 27. at 93i1 a. Mrs. Alice Dubs.

near town. IS American Legion Meeting slowly recovering from a severe at-1 The Rem i-monthly meeting go' Sprinr tack of pneumonia which kept her in Grove poet No. 216, American Legion. will tiest for several weeks. be held tonight at 8 o'clock at the egion Daniel H.

Zartman North rreleirlia home. rear North Main street. tack of pneumonia which- kept her in tied for several weeks. IDaniel H. Zartman.

North Codortie Cod en. Al! tbe members attending the Mrs. Daniel Eyster. York New Salem. meeting.

The Rev. F. S. Geerey. pastor of the Niev to Chicago Muhlenberg Lutheran charge will conduct Mr.

and Mrs. Sidney le Weller. eon- services On Sunday morning at 10 o'clock ghter of Mrs. Lucy in-law and dau at Christ Lutheran church Jackson tOW I step. and at .7 p.

et St. Peter's Israft, South Main street, have gone iLischey's Union church. North qrie to Chicaece where they have taken township- Sunday Pchool will be an hoe; art apartment Mr. and Mrs. Weeee earlier than the ervice at both ceesee ss se formerly lived in Wilmington, Spring communion services will be held where Mr.

Weller Was employed by On the foLlowing dates: St. Jacob's Luth- tne Du Pont company. The at 9:30 a. Christ Lutheran church. Prim.

York New Salem. Sunday. April 6. transferred him to Chicago some Jackson township. Sunday.

April 13. at time ago. They the week-end 9:30 a. St. Paul's Union.

Stoverstown. at the Kraft home. Easter Sunday. April 21. at 9:30 a.

m. Some of the Sick and St. Peter's iLischeyel. Sunday. eoel 2: 9 In a Mrs.

Alice Dubs. near town a I IS recovering from a severe at American Legion Meeting The eemi-monthly meeting lo. tack of pneumonia which. kept her in Grove poet No. 216, American Legion.

will tied for several weeks. be held tonight at 8 o'clock at the egion Daniel H. Zartman, North Codortut home. rear North Main street. gny ft- tin T11: xt, 1 I irk.

t-at 114) zttr Zr Intriz et, anI i1 a 3.1:1 to 'k; tt. anl tose aistd.s. tt- kre 11:141 r)t-i fltrct.en et ill; t7 from ur.rte, t- 11, -71 a free 1-1111 'pm at-P to do V. 11.2: td 4 pc.iFon e't -1z 7 nl. t.

..7 '1 11, 4211, .1 44 7 pa ,1,1 At -1 rev. frzn etbeat folr otirePt4 Jzt -1 put ft torpoenru: .71 a war Ar-cl rr MOrnt71 t4 Ct Ti: 1-14ufrre. 70'4 la 4. y. tt ri cf '4s 4, pe-r ve.

and t1-1 of 1-14 pet; IR nd torn 7e1 lt-C-r. mre7.c4-1. 11.07.!alor-,ril v--tfJ-: revFuLls by t-t-tbUSaI ct nre i.e... cif, anI iwti- ail take a el et .1. 1 S.1 71 -c .14 to le-e4 11.

It 1-4-1 by reeetei il ere ges.e- si e.1 nee 1 yl te a i a 'Si es need from the ,1 it tee ureee. 1 I '31-'0 a 4 cc riz 1.1.. 11- te le-, is In eezne l- ears, eee. eesetee te f. -re-se to do deebers .,,,.1., eeee eese- es- etsl te 4 te.leee tete, pieon.

li ee eesee.e....t. ee Ill. --c- 7:1: e. 11, TIVI- ce 1 zer.d pa recessne-e-1-4 u7, I-I .1 At erve clbe- ut folr ounces 4 Je 1 Sailzt: NA It a 1N--11-er "la celeh morning' fie- a 1- to 1144u- finn-70. ner -it, el wast.e.

1. -o e-- of r' Crille irtmeei esceseceeeve. and -TPA eseases es mat-0- .1 -t ar.r1 reeeitls by cf feeets wee nz -e to rum recira wAbtra Exactly as ShOWN a $74.00 value for -Only $19.95 SOS arta RUPTURED? Free Demonstration at the Per Hotel. ot Friday. March 14th.

By Or. and Mrs. G. W. ELLIOTT Lad es Receive Private Attention of Mrs.

Elliott From 10 a. rn. to 7 p. m. It yolt rtholutoly nothinr: to roceive I trce tch-day test supply of tlio hrhI muscle-tonlo "Plapao." and to xitiltno and have to yo privatelya Which so many other-Ft attest tinder oath rid them of their ruptate and saved them from the knife.

I I 1 township. is able to attend to his i farm duties again after having been I ill for several months. Get Word of Death Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Strasbaugh, North East street.

received word yes- I terday of the death of their daughter. 1 Mrs. Genevie Loughman, wife of Paul 1 which occurred at the Laughmory borne in Berwick township. Adorns county. Mrs.

Loughman suffered from ptomaine poisoning I. several months ago and had never fully recovered. She was 26 yedrs Mr. ister, Briefs and Personals and Mrs. Clarence A.

ChronNorth Water street. were ROSSER, OPTOMETRIST The cheapest place In town to get your Wages. Assortment. Be Sure of the Location 5 W. P-hllacialonis St.

Haines Hotel Bit lg. Simple Remedy For Bad Stomach Gives Swift Relief No Need crf Strong Medicines or Diet. Safe and Simpi Home Recipe Keeps Stomach In Fine Condition. LE VILLE "Chain Stores" Subject of Debate at Codorus Township High School Meeting GLENVILLE. March That the principle of the chain etore system is detrimental to the best interests of the American public." is the subject that will be debated by the puvils of the Codorta Tcywnship High school at a meeting to be held next Wednesday night.

March 19. in the of the school building. The affirmative le will be argued by Martha Currens. Et Merrilson and Beulah She-- man. The side will be upheld by Treva Albright.

Bessie Bortner and Rueser Hetrick. The affirmative team will be coached by Miss Mary Menges and the negative by Prof. Busliey. The two Latin of Codorus Township High school united and presented the following Program on Friday afternoon: Derivation of English words. Mabel Stet.

nor; Latin reading. Marguerite Rinehart: playlet taknet from Caesar quertion end answers. Beulah Sherman character sketches. Alice Brillhart; riddles and Jokes, Edna Hildebrand; "Life of Virgil," Bessie Bortner: "Cupicrs Doins. "Cupid." Clyde Miller; "Dido." Treva Albright: "Aeneas," Carroll Hetrick; "Venus." Neva Kaltreider; PbYsical parts of body in Leen.

by Luella Albright and Norman Bortner; play. Catherine Bonner. Leon Bonner, Russell Hetrick. Erneat Merhiken and Edna Roy- N. Shaffer.

John Markle and Russell Ebaugh. Hanover; Carroll D. Shaffer and Valentine Manchey. of Manchester. motored to Philadelphia.

Wednewlay. where the former took a general medical end aar examination. as be bee been suffering from deafness for sorne time. The atudents of the high echool ro conducting a magazine subscription context. The school is divided into groups of pales-men.

The managers are Catherine Bortner. Leon Bortner and Martha CUIrrOnli- A prise will be given the winning team. Mr. and Mrs. William Kilgore, tan.

caster. and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slagle and children. Dorothy and William.

Hanover. were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Barbehenn. Snyder.

MT WOLF Knights of the Golden Eagle Past Grand Meet With Local CastleOther News MT. WOLF, March 12.The seco.nd meeting of the Past Grande association ef York and Adams counties. was held In K. G. E.

hall on Monday evening. the guest. of the local castle. No. 154.

Knights of the Golden Eagle. The association was organized in York in December. at a meeting of the York City castle. The association will join the Past Grands association of the Cumberland vadey. York City castle, No.

414. was represented by 24 members: Brown Stone castle. No. 456. of Middletown.

18 members; Carlisle castle. No. 110. Carlisle, 18 members. Members of the Ladies of the Golden Eagle attended.

Three past chiefs. W. H. Leber. of Middletown; A.

H. Zeigler, of Carlisle. and L. C. Bischoff.

of York, attended the meeting. An entertainment was given by the "Broadway Minstrels." directed by John H. Kinports. a former resident of this place, now residing in Hanover. The following took part: Ross Prestle.

filly Kinports. Pearl Flickin Ter, Pearl hirbard. Margaret Betty Kin-Ports, Doretha Kinpurts. linrnaine Fang. Mary Allison.

Frederick Bang, end accompanist. Mrs. John Kinports. all of Hanover. David Livingston.

of this place. and James Good. of Manchester, entertained with a eomedy sketch. A baritone solo was given by Jahn Kinports, "Sing Me To Sleep." The Mt. Wolf orchestra rendered sevcral selections.

A banquet was served. Mr. and Mrs. J. Flickinger, of Hanover.

were guests. The next meeting will be held at Carlisle. Lenten Services Lenten services will be held this evening in St. John's Lutheran church. A sermon will be delivered by the pastor, the Rev.

John Hassler, on the subject, Local News Warren Reed. of Lewisburg. receiver for the Lewisburg Chair Co-operation, and recorder of deeds of Union county. was a guest on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

C. J. Eisenhouer. Mrs. Austin Smith spent Sunday at the home of her mother.

Mrs. Alice Weitzhoffer. York. Kathryne. Grace and Leverna Shank were Sunday guests of Velma Sengst, Mr.

and Mrs. Alfred Kohr and children. Thelma, Richard and Luther, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lehman.

Starview. architecture. I I LIBERTY MEAT STORES OUR MOTTO: "We Cut The Pr ic But Not The Quality" 5 South George St. 28 W. Philadelphia St.

Princess Sherman St. n14-tf 1 il IThe Store ot Old Fashioned Honesty and New Fashioned liJewelry I SHEWELL The JEWELER I MARKET AND STATE STS. i I. n5-tt i 3 The New International 6 Cylinders 3 Ton Speed Truck HARRY L. KAHLER Distributors 147 S.

Newberry Street Get Hodnett's Whooping Cough Remedy At Oncel 50c A BOTTLE Hodnett's Drug Store 135 S. GEORGE ST- 14-11 YOU SIMPLY MUST EAT El EigraCEM lc crtcaNza That's the only possible way you can appreciate it. arrals- I 641Awe) .4,, ase 6103J III- ry Menges ad the negative trilar tall ,5 1 1 i A a lis i', a 1. eeseesee 1'41 1 der. Is el i 1 4, tecture.

3IT. WOLF ,,1 I i In 4-tf I IIS PHO AL VALUE tyl IP A 11 1 -1 LIBERTY ,) --es, Knights of the Golden Eagle Pact I I MEAT STORES Grande Meet With Local Castle-Other News OUR MOTTO: "We Cut The Pr ice e---- MT. WOLF, March 12. The sec I meeting of the Past Grande association 1 But Not The Quality" I 5 South George St. I 1 cf York and Adams counties.

was held 28 W. Philadelphia St. I 111 I I in K. G. E.

hall on Monday evening. 1 Princess Sherman St. i Cl i i l'i- the guest. of the local camtle, No. 154.

Knights of the Golden Eagle. The as- l' 1 I The Store of orgenized in York in De- ce mber. at a meeting of the York City Old Fashioned Honesty castle. The association will join the New Fashioned and 1 4Iw to. 1,64 RENMEN Past Grande' aeaociation of the Cum- IS 1 i (11 kl 11 township.

is able to attend to his GLENVILLE stle, No. 414. wail repre- Jewelry I ItiditS0bil eid Pcs se a4a thmugh a farm duties again after having been SHEWELL The JEWELER I i i 1 1 smilax ipchapurcha ho rn ofte i 1 1 sented by 24 members; be yrioarnkd Brown Stone ill for several months. ISACPC2 castle. No.

456. of 'Middletown. 18 4 of the leading manufac- turers of Breakfast Sets- 1 Get Word of Death Chain Stores Subject of Debate at members; Carlisle castle. No. 110.

Car- i MARKET AND STATE STS. i ill 1 I li 1 orth East street Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Strashaugh, N. eceived wrd es- Meeting Codorus Township High School lisle, 18 members.

Members of tht Ladies of the Golden Eagle attended. terday of the death of their daughter. GLEN-VILLE. March 12. -Resolved.

Three past chiefs. W. H. Leber. of Mid- 'T---- I n5-tf i --t --maw- "I' ul'ae jr Exactly IS shown.

a i 1,. I -i 1 eirs Genevie Le dietown A Zeigler of Carlisle and I L. C. Bischoff. of lork, attended the i ug man, wife oepaill That the principle of the chain store system Lau eman which gi ch occurred at the is detrimental to the best interests of te An entertainment WaS given 1 by the "Broadway Minstrels." directed 1 1 The New International 6 Cyhders 1 4(10 $74.00 value toe I Laughmary home in Berwick town- American is the strbJect that will meeting 3 Ton Speed Truck 1 Ills ship.

Adams county. Mrs. Laughman. bv the puvils of the Codoses 1 a Onl (1 111111 y319 0 9 5 rt I OY John H. Kinports.

a former resident of this place, now residing in Hanover. I HARRY L. KAHLER i Ail i suffered from ptomaine poisoning' held ne Pt nitgbat. Marcirbg 19. in i 1 everal months ago and had never the of the sch I building.

The The following took part: Ross Prestie. I istributors I 11104104tWit 4 fury recovered. She was 26 yeere efermative w. 11 be ergued by Martha Pilly Kinports. Pearl Flickineer, Pearl 147 S.

Newberry Street 1 se-611. 11 Gurrenk. Et Merrilson and Beulah She- hichard. Margaret 1-It ce Betty Kin- t. a 4 ,,.70.1 0 i Briefs and Personals man.

The side will be upheld by Ports, Doretha leinper hemaine dog RIJ PTURED? Treva Albright Bessie 'Softest. and Ruseer pang. Mary Allison. Frederick Bang. Fr.

i 1. and Mrs. Clarence A. Chron- Hetrick. The affi.

rmati will be coach end accompanist. elre. John Kinports, Get Hodnett's ,...,.1 i ister North ater street. treet. were ed by Id ifili en all of Hanover David Livingaton.

of chester, entertained with a comedy At Oncel Whooping -t i 1 by Prof. Busitey. this place. and James Cough Remedy Good. of Man- ree emons Dtration Codorus Town- The two Latin chew of eesiesees- ship High sch I united and presented the sketch A baritone solo was given by at 1 4 eee? Et j.r.-'; 3 'I 50c A BOTTLE i fDerolicrwivatunogn potrogram lion wesriday mafterni Jahn Kinports.

-Sing Me To Sleep." A I I 4frv---r- If; a the Penn Hotel. 1 ROSSER, OPTOMETRIST (ral selections. A banquet was served. Hodnett's Drug Store EXTRA i --1 Friday. March 14th.

1 nor; Latin readings Marguerite Rinehart; The Mt. Wolf orchestra rendered sev- 135 S. GEORGE ST. 14-41 4 )'-'' The cheapest place le town to get playlet taknet from Caesar: questions end ramie Mr. and Mrs.

J. Flickinger, of Hancrver. -zro---iiVr 4 your soles. iLargitet IL 1 By Dr. a nd es.

G. W. Ll 0 TT Assortment. answers. Beulah Sherman; character wheeirdeagtuestaritalTehe next meeting will be 1, 1 ure et the Location i Ladies Receives Private Atteetion 5 W.

P-hliacmiphie st. I sketebes. Alice Brillhart; riddles end jokes' Lenten Services lis atososcassit aCZAZ of Mrs. 1 lliott Haines Hotel Bteig. Edna Hildebrand; Life of Virgil," Bessie illtaDrallial 1 A Lenten services will be held this eve- YOU SIMPLY 0.4 I tn.

ti t. .1 4.1 ri From 10 a. rn. to 7 p. .:41 Carroll Hetrick Venus Neva rDt'slin A lb; ning in St.

John's Lutheran church. A 4 -1 1, 4., 1 It yee abeolutely nothine to Kaltreider; sermon be delivered by the pastor MUST EAT I Rev. John Hassler, on the subject, I I kelt NI dr. I recce 1 1 ro' 0 ten-ii-ty test supply PhYsical parts of body in Latin. by Luella Albright and Norman Bortner; play.

Cath- erine Fortner. Leon Bonner, Russell Het- Restoration." 1 i 1 I heiggeNall, ,44. 1 of 4'0, 11 muscle-tont "Plapao." Local News 1 1 rpeeeer I and te Simple Remedy and have demon- Warren Reed, of Lewisburg. receiver le; 1 1 aoltramat I' rick. Ernest Merhiken and Edna Hilde- clEall ricifili tor the Lewisburg Chair Co-operation, cs I te see' privately-a Scien- I 1 1 i tife st'if-trat-cont.

tIlicit so many -Roy N. Shaffer. John Markle and Rue- and recorder of deeds of Union county. 61034 othere ender oath rid them for Bad Stomach sell Ebaugh. Hanover; Carroll D.

Shaffer was a guest on Monday at the home IC CEIMANZKI i 1 1 1 Ili Of.0.0.0" I and Valentine Manchey. of Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. C.

J. Eisenhouer. I 0 eetwar i of tl-eir and sated them from 1 -1 1 tc I I c. the knife. motored to Philadelphia.

Wednesday. Mrs. Austin Smith spent Sunday at where the former took a general medical the home of her mother. e'ible i -1 4 11 I I Gives wift Reim endear examination. aa be use been suffer- a Weitehoffer 'Yo irs.

Alice That the only possible rk Kthryne: Grace and Leverna Shank 1 1 ing from deafness for some time. -eese--- were Sunday guests of Velma Sengst, i Way you can appreciate it. 1 -Tbe students of the high echool are I conducting a magazine subscription canter'. No Need of Strong Medicines or Diet. me school is divided into groups of sale; Mr.

and Mrs. Alfred Kohr and chit- Hallam. I I Safe and Simpt Home Recipe Keeps Stomach men. The managers are Catherine Bortner. day th Leon Bortner and Martha Current'.

A prize will be given the winning team. dren. Thelma, Richard and Luther, spent Sun at ome or. and Mrs. Fred Lehman.

Starview. 4, iandc7 1111 ring7 1 1 JAct 4. 1 1 -Mr. and Mrs. William Kilgore, tan- caster.

and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slagle and children, Dorothy and William. Hano- Instantly Prepared 'GELATIN 14 yea were guests Sunday ot Mr. and Mrs.

4-1 Wilford Barbe ltionn. Spa-rig-of 1. Wilford Barbehenn. kilriMILAIL IL I. NI EMIGSVILLE EMI.GSVII.T;F, March 12.Mr.

and Mrs. Orville Adleblute and children spert Sunday at Harrisburg, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Kauffman. Mr.

and Mrs. Curvin liOrfrrltn and children. Neta, Romaine, Clifton Ind Jack. of York; Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Eyler and son, Junior. this plate; Mr. and Mrs. George Welt-camp, of Roundtown; Mr. and Mrs.

B. A. Smith and son. William, Star-view; George and Raymond Schaffer, near here. spent Sunday evening at the borne of Mr.

and Mrs. Chauncey Schaffer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schaff Pr, near here; and Mrs.

Chauncey St.haffer and sons. Paul and Junior. viAtied ihsformers parents, at Dallastown. StInday afternoon. Mr.

and Roy Smith, of Dallastown; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waser and daughter. Virginia, of Violet Hill, visited at the home of Mr. and hfra.

Henry Rishel, of near here, Sunday. Mrs. Harvey Wintertneyer and daughter: Lucille. spent the weekend In Baltimore. Mr.

and Mrs. John Garber, son, Donald. and daughters. Margie and spent the week-end in New Dloomfleld, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Garber. Mrs. J. Edward Fink spent Sunday In North York. where she visited Mr.

and Mrs. John Gord. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Strine Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Hoover and daughter Annabelle this place visited Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Strine of near Cumberland. Mr.

and Mrs. Zenith Eshelman of Marietta spent a few days here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Eshelman. --Mr.

and Mrs. William Myers and children Clarence Pauline and Edna, ard Mrs. Annie Irvin visited Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Gates Roundtown, Sunday.

Henry Gardner and Mrs. Spangler, of the Glades, visited Mr. and -Mrs. William Bi Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Norman Gray and children, Gloria. June and Norman, spent Sunday at Harrisburg. Marie Snyder and Henry Ely spent Saturday evening at the borne of Mr. and Mrs.

M. L. Candless. Mr. and Mrs.

C. S. Wood and son. Orville, visited Mr. and William Grose.

Dover. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Harry and scsn, Robert, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert March, Camp Hill. Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Wilt and Ion, Charles, of Hivleys; Mr. and Mrs. Keasey. of Glades, vis- ited at the borne of Mr.

and Mn. Curvin EINTIGSVILLE EellGSVILT.el, March and Mrs. Orville Adleblute and children et Sourndamynatanediarrimarbeu. rgAu, gautetthuee Kauffman. al Po el nr -Mr.

and Mr s. Curvin 1-10ffMtn al inield cJIal iclkel.reoni Paul Eyler and son, Junior, this Welt- plate; Mr. and Mrs. George camp, of Ron Mrs. eSmith ud and son.

Williamd Star- town; Mr. vtew; George and Raymond Schat- and ecvbeanuinn g. a -Mr. and Mrs. cey Schaffer.

ies cha rrpr, near here; 'e ta and Mrs. Chauncey t. at Dal- vietted the former's paren 1effer and eons Paul and Junior. lastown, StInday afternoon. Rey Smith, of Dal- --Ma and Mrs.

le tstown; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weser end daughter, Virginia, of Violet Mrs. Henry Weibel. of near here.

Hill. ted at the home of Mr. and Sunday. Mrs. Harvey Wintertneyer snd spent the week- end in Baltimore.

Do -Mr. and Mrs. John Garber, son. nate. and daughters, Margie and Vliginia, spent the week-end in New Dlooineeld, at the home of Mr.

-and Mre. Thomas Garber. -Mrs. J. Edward Fink spent Sun- day in North where ehe visited Mr.

and Mrs. John Gord. -Mr. and Mrs. Eli Strine Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Hoover and daughter Annabelle this place visited Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Strine of near Cumber Lend. spent a few days here of Marietta.

-Mr. and Mrs. Zenith Eshelman at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Eehelmsn.

--Mr. arid Mrs William Myers cnildren Clarence Pauline and Edna, arid Mrs. Annie Irvin visited Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Gates Roundtow-rt, Sun- day.

T-1 An TV riardner and Mrs. Henry Wilt and cay. HenrY Gardner and Mrs. Spang- kr, of the Glades visited Mr and Mrs William Billet. Sunday.

r. and Mrs. Norman Gray and children, June and Norman, Sunday at Harrisburg. Marie Snyder and Henry Eir pent Saturday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. M.

L. Candless. Mr. and Mn Mrs. C.

S. Wood and son, Orville, visited Mr. and Mra 'William Gress. DOVer. Air.

and Mrs. J. Vir. arry and scsn, Robert, visited Mr. and Mrs.

Albert March. Camp Hill. Sunday. Mr. and MTS.

rv'fr. AAA MP T-T hit vE ikrr and Mrs. Georre Kease3 of Glades, vie- AA lkt 'tea 11-L Eno Dome oz ear. azici seKw Curvin Kealear. FREE PLAPAO FREE stuarts Plapan-Pads are dIffc'rent from the truss.

being applicators made seIf-ndestve to keep the TrIc called "Plapao- con tinuouly a-oplied to the affected pa rts. and to mtnimize danger of allppiniz and painful friction. Fabric oft as easy to apply ir.expensive. During 24 years thousands have successfully treated themselves at homewithout hindrance xvork. A wa rded Gold Medal, Rorne: tlrand Prix.

Paris and Mention. San Francisco. Process cf recovery is natural. so no subsequent use for any kind of support. FREE PLAPAO FREE Stuarts PI.Isin-Prids are patent- difscrent from the truss.

being muscle ter le called "Plapacre eon- tinuoti-lv aepeed to the affected pa rts, and te minimize danger of and i stepping. renfel fietinn. Fabric anft as eal43, to apply alippinc ano a bk. aft et easy to ea apply tho xpensive During 24 yrs ha successfully treate-d themselves at bomewithout hind- ra nee. frfsrn xx ork.

A warded Gold Ro-ne: Slrand Prix. Pans and lionorab'e Mention. Francisco. Pr'-ceee cf is. natural.

so no subsequent use for any kind of support Beware Of Stomach Poisons! eware Of Stomach Poisons! 0 Drop Leaf Tab to mow- i tour Chairs 1 hly I moot in I Olt 3-, -'2 DURABLE ENAMELAC. 1 1 Yo ot bosunful curchoice vzorresoratormuutateatTscs ,07 Vi TstsbolmotocT color coos- I GREEN OR GREY. COME EARLY, OUR SUPPLY IS LIMITED. I INhla is only on et ocur la.nre aaserten-ent. Ti aro invited to i our cesynNtota et Near Brelakraart Seta and Di.ntottaa, an tokluoad for this tealtune sale, 1) rt ir, T1!) Complete Home FUTEdiablerl Cash 50c Weeldy on 1 1, A.

75c Weekly on 7, 42 SOUTH GEORGIE STREIT r'reflit SIM() Wektr en RO 1: IDOPSIAOLIr TUSICTION ,1 blIPOSNOWIr go ar 4Tvritod to 3croot Seta ar4 Weeldy on Weekly Cu tr.b::- Weekly on tnt) 71161441Leeah --7) DraP Leal Table wad seee'eses-' i .1 DURABLE timill t' fear Chairs I away, ll'' thIr 'i- emooT flahhed in -J oil ENAMELAC. Your choice ream ammeaear beautiful cesorasocrel cot i 1 colo of loam Willti GREEN OR GREY. COME EARLY. OUR SU This is only ono oe cair large a knvereKlt mir cesrnolette dtpuoiay lneottes, an for this 0 rks I In" 1 th 1 kst Serial Err EINN 10c i IDE 1 MT I I I VW, i 1- i A 4. t5: 1 syr: '110 L.

'FAN 1. I -A: 1.77.1;t1- 71 1 Oc i CNN 11 1 ut I A -i -1 If you are a victim of Stomach TroublesGas. Sourness. Pain or Bloating You may have quick and certaln.relief by following this advice. Don't take strong medicine, artificial digestants or pull down your system with starvation diets.

For within reason most folks may eat what they if they will keep their stomach free from souring acids that hinder or paralyze the work of digestion. And the best and easiest way to do this is to follow every meal with a Bisurated Magnesiaa pleasant, harmless. inexpeneive and handy to mase preparation that all reliable druggists can in either powder or tablet form. It use promptly neutralizes acidity and keeps your stomach sweet and clean. A weeles trial of Bisurated MAgnesia should, quickly convincb you that 90 per cent of ordinary iptornach distress is absolutely unnecessary.

Be sure to get laisurated Magnesia and give it a good Trou- If -ou are a vktim Ct mac bles-Gas Sourness. Pain or Bloating -You may have quick and certain. re- lief by following this aim advice. pi see saes lief by following llowing this advice. Don't tske strong medici rtifi- cial diges ta or pull nnea'yours sys- tem with starvation diets.

For within reason most folks maY what they l.ko, if they will keep their stomach free from souring acids that hinder or paralyse the work of digestion. And the test and eaaiest way to do this is to follow every meal vvith a Bisurated Makrnesiaa pleasant, harmless. inexpensive and handy to sae prparation se that all reliable drug- gists can suprly in either powder or tablet form Ita use promptly neutral- ecidity and keeps your stomach iss a sweet and clean. A wee les trial of Bigurated MAgnesia should, Quickly convince you that 10 pe 11 IPWISIMA-114 LLMS se JaEl LEP 15CI. Bisuratad Magnesia and give it When you feel the pangs of indigestion, the discomfort of distending as or the acute pain of heartburn Beware! There are the danger signals that warn you of the presence of fermenting food and poisons In your stomach.

Stop toxin fermentation quick! Get DI-REXIt Instantly ends chronic disorders and puts your stomach in good condition. Thousands use It. BI-REX is sold on the basis of satisfaction or money refunded by the Shearers Berries stoma in good condition. Thou- When you feel the pangs of indi- gestion, the discomfort ne distending gas or the acute pain of heartburn Beware! There are the danger sig- nals that warn you of the presence of fermenting food and poisons In your stomach. Stop toxl a tion quick! Get DI-REXit instantly ends chronic disorders and puts your sands use it.

BI-REX is sold on the basis or IBILLISTILCUOTI or money re- 4.A I 4 1.k NU ah 4bdat.A0 All ft. This Store is a unit the Interstate Department Stores Corp. Operating 31 cash Department stores in 31 cities. This Store a a unit a the Interstate Department Stores Corp. Operating 31 cash Ds- artment stores in 37 titles.

5 FAIT FLVORS A YORKTOWNE SERVICE STORES FRUIT 5 oPuKr. LAVOR AT ALL TTIM YORKTOWNE tZtanill' 4k1.1.III14- JLAL1 A LILA 116.1 A ILI LI.Là1.3 BE SURE TO CALL! Dr) rot fail t1 call on Dr. Elliott, as you mar have another opportunity for some time. Remember the time and place. 11 able to call.

write for FREE TRIAL PLAPAO. -Lddrese Flapao LIS Stuart Bldg St- 1.0oula. 2kLo I i BE SURE TO CALL! rot f311 t1 can on Dr. Elliott, Rs you mar not have another op- portunity for some time. i rn tri vs el TIIMPa lagt, Ewe t.att.

I. TRIAL PLAPAO. Plapao LIS Stuart Bider St. LOUia. Mo.

11 I 1 wi ii I 1 I 11 I I trtaL 0 1 goodi I I 1 4111. .7 40,, I I trial. a i 0 a 1 I a 1.

The York Dispatch from York, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.