The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

PAGE THREE THE EVENTNG TIMES. SAYRE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1939 FOURTH SALE HELD Men of Valley Towns Form Air Club State Election Code Change Is Seen as Likely The students will meet in the same field which will be used un- missioners, county officials will continue paying $25 after Sept. 1. Among the new provisions of ihe code are two amendments pro-vidng for consolidation of the third class city general registers -sows Wreckage of sightseeing plane near Chicago airport over on a forced landing shortly after tak- presented this wreckage after the crash. All 11 ing off from the Chicago municipal airport, a three- persons were injured, the pilot, Gilbert Grimm.

33. motored siehtseeing plane with 11 persons aboard seriouslv. ARMY AIR CORPS FLYING FORTRESS SHATTERS RECORDS Earl Beeman of Athens Is Named First President; To Be Known as Valley Flying Club; Sixteen Attend Meet mg ATHENS, Aug. 2 Sixteen air-minded young men of the Valley towns and this area, met Tuesday evening in the office of Whipple Brothers on North Main street and organized what will be known as the Valley Flying club. Officers were elected for a three-month period so as to afford others interested in the movement, an opportunity to join the club before the charter is closed.

Earl Beeman of Athens was elected first president of the newly organized club. Others who were named to office included: Harold McCormick of Athens, vice-president; Gerald Learn of Sayre, secretary; Harry Hawk of Athens, treasurer; E. J. Cangley of Athens, public relations secretary. Besides those named to office, ethers who attended the meeting were: Donald Lantz of Sayre; Gerald Brown of Athens; Ray EI-dred of Sayre; Walter DeWitt of Sayre; Louis Rinebold of Athens; Louis Tennant of Athens; Harry Dennis of Waverly; Robert Smith of Mansfield; John Tribe of Nichols; Everett Hubbard of Athens; and Murray Allen of Athens.

i Those who are expected to be- come members within the next few weeks, and who have taken I an active interest in the move-! ment, include: Robert Friant cf Athens; John Ault of Lockwood; Leslie Marshall of Waverly, Bert Sumner of Athens; and Robert I Coleman of Waverly. Mr. Cangley first proposed the idea of a flying club about two weeks ago, and since that time interest in the movement has grown, and culminated last eve- ning with the election of officers and formulation of definite plans for the future. Meetings will be held each Tuesday during the month of August and then once every month. Harold Jipson of Endicott, a licensed pilot, was here Sunday, and supervised preliminary In- structions in the fundamentals of I flying as well as handling the i i controls of a plane.

The instruc- tions were given in the field at the Clapp farm on North Elmira street. Another licensed pilot will be here possibly Saturday and i Sunday, to continue with the work, Mr. Cangley said today. -vet-. WASHINGTON, Aug.

2 (UP) An army air corps super flying-fortress, carrying the heaviest payload ever flown in an airplane, today was acknowledged by the National Aeronautic Association to have broken all international altitude records for such flights. The NAA said the plane leached a height of 8,200 feet with a load of 31,025 pounds of water and lead in a test flight at Dayton, July 30. The previous payload record was held by a Russian plane which carried 28,660 pounds to a height of 6,561 feet almost three years ago, the NAA said. The new record, it said, was accomplished despite the terriffic lead and a strong cross-wind. The plane, under the command of Maj.

Caleb V. Haynes and Capt. W. D. Old, left the field in 48 seconds.

Meanwhile, the war department announced that seven new national records for airplane speed with various loads had been established by an army air corps Boeing B-17 flying fortress at Langley Field, Va. Carrying 11,023 pounds, the bomber flew three laps at more than 200 miles an hour, and set other records for carrying loads of 1,000 and 2,000 kilograms. Edwin Strope were guests of relatives in North Rome Sunday. Curtis Strope attended the Ad-amson reunion at Apalachin. Next Legislature Will Be Asked to Provide More Uniformity as Result of Judge Nomination Disputes HARRISBURG, Aug.

2 (UP) Pennsylvania's election code of 1937, apparently still faulty in many ways despite general re novation by the 1939 legislature, appeared certain today of undergoing further operation for sake of uniformity at the next session of the state's law-makers. Dauphin county court rulings reversing Attorney General Claude T. Reno and Commonwealth Secretary Sophia M. R. O'Hara in directing judicial vacancies in Fay-stte and York counties be filled at the November elections strength-sned belief the code is certain to be further tightened.

Meantime, Miss O'Hara, in accordance with the punctured code, notified candidates who filed nomination petitions for the Sept. 12 primary to cast lots in her office at 12 o'clock (EDT) Aug. 3 to determine order in which their names will appear on the ballots. Candidates, she explained, may sppear in person or authorize another person, by sworn proxy, to draw for them. If the aspirants for office or proxies fail to appear, Ihe commonwealth secretary is empowered to appoint someone to draw for them.

The lower court's decision that the constitutional provision for selection of candidates at the primary takes' precedence over statutory technicalities, in part revealed weakness of the code's structure. The law, as applied to the court vacancies created by death of judges Henry C. Niles and Harry A. Cot-tom, of York and Fayette counties respectively, prohibited candidates from filing because the vacancies occurred after Miss O'Hara notified county commissioners of the official number of places to be filled. Following the court's reversal of Reno's opinion upholding Miss O'Hara's refusal to permit Fayette and York county judicial candidates to file petitions, John Fertig, Harrisburg attorney and former legislative reference bureau director, said there "still are many kinks" in the code.

Of the 474 bills passed by the last legislature and signed by Gov. Arthur H. James, 18 measures altered the 1937 elections code. One of the amendments, sought by both Democrats and Republicans, reduces candidates' filing fees for minor offices from as high as $20 to $2, Authors of the bill, however, failed to fix an effective date, prohibiting candidates for local offices in the 1939 elections from receiving the new advantages until September. Laws without effective dates automatically become effective at that time.

The 1939 act does not change fees for aspirants to the state supreme and superior courts, where vacancies exist this year, or for county-wide offices. High judgeship candidates or state-wide offices must still pay a $50 fee. With exception of fee-exempt jury com BE 1 OF HIS CAREER Chicago, Aug. 2 (UP) Stricken again with a deadly soreness in his right shoulder, Dizzy Dean expects to learn today just how near he is to the end of his glorious pitching days. Dean was confident of another reprieve after he has been examined and x-rayed by Dr.

John F. Davis, specialist for the Chicago Cubs, who has nursed an unbelievable amount of pitching strength from that $185,000 arm since Diz first was considered washed up with an incurable injury last spring. His chance, however, appeared darker now than ever before. When he walked off the mound yesterday after pitching only three innings against the tail-end Philadelphia Phillies he was pale from pain. If the club physcian decides that Diz must rest for several weeks, the big right-hander's future with the Cubs is doubtful.

For the second consecutive year he is drawing a reported $20,000 for which he so far has returned only five victories against one defeat. Five straight times before his last victory he was knocked out of the box. MOTOR TRIPS ATHENS, Aug. 2 Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Bailer left by motor today for Chicago, 111., where they will visit their son and daughter-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. John Bailer. hile there they will take a motor tiip through the mid-western states. They will return home Aug.

15. TELL and SELL with a WANT AD NUT i ii! i narmanont eito Viae hwn iecte(j. 1 DEEDS RECORDED TOWANDA, Aug. 2 Deeds recorded are: Athens borough, Oney J. Allen et ux to Thursa M.

Hastings; Sayre borough, Mary L. Gray et al to Lester C. Warner et ux: Sayre borough, John Hut-sick et ux to Lester Warner et ux; Towanda borough, George W. Shaffer et ux to Claude E. Horton et ux; Athens township, Justin Beams et al to W.

J. Harris et al; Athens township, Charles R. Madison et ux to Edgar Yarring-ton et ux; Sayre borough, Robert W. Mcintosh et al to Hayaen K. Anthony et ux.

REAZOR HELSTEIX Announcement was received here of the marriage of Marshall L. Reazor of Rochester, N. formerly of Sayre, to Liva Hel-stein of Buffalo, in Buffalp July 24. The ceremony was followed by a reception at the home of the bride. The newly married couple will make their home in suburban Rochester.

REWARD to anyone who can produce a worn out ORGE Refrigerator Kollnlor t'omprefmor. ARMSTRONG MUSIC HOUSE 107-lOK s. Elnirr Ave. Sayre Open Evenings by Appointment Dial 1-741 GENERATOR-STARTER IGNITION SERVICE AP PARTS BATTERY CHARGING YVillard and Dele- Sales Car Lubrication Service M. A.

BENEDICT TYDOI. STATION At rroaalnll Athena YOU NEED INSURANCE DIAL 2-4601 BIRD SUMNER 315 S. MAIN ATHENS, Pj, PLEASURE 4 IT LIVESTOEK MART ATHENS, Aug. 2 Fourth sale of the Northern Tier Livestock market was held Tuesday afternoon.

Several dealers and buyers were on hand as well as a large crowd of onlookers. Theodore Phalon, manager of the market, supervised the sale. Paul Holcombe of Portville, N. the auctioneer. It was reported that between 70 and 90 head of livestock were sold during the afternoon's trading.

EOT ATHENS UNION TO PICI ATHENS, Aug. 2 The East Athens W.C.T.U. will hold its an nual picnic Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alice Griswold in East Athens. Husbands of the members are invited.

There will be a business meeting at 3 o'clock with the picnic following. Bring covered dish, rolls, and service. CLASS HOLDS ANNUAL PICNIC SUPPER FETE ATHENS, Aug. 2 The First Philathea class of the First Baptist church held its annual picnic supper Tuesday evening on the church lawn. Twenty were present.

Supper was served at 6:30. Afterward the children played games. There was a short business session following the supper. Mrs. Edward Spencer led the devotions.

She read two rjoems. "A Heavenlv Guest" and "The Master Is Corn- ing." A prayer followed. Nine members of the class and one guest were present at the meeting. Mrs. Anna Howard gave the prayer at the close of the session.

Sheshequin Mrs. O. J. Stevens entertained the bridge club at her home with a 6:30 dinner. Bridge favors were awarded Mrs.

George Smith, Miss Emily Roberts and Mrs. Walter Horton. Mrs. James Mahon entertained at bridge at her home recently. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles H. Weisel and lamily of New Haven, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills, Mystic Hills farm.

Mrs. Ella Macafee and daughter Laura spent the week-end with relatives at Pittsford, N. and Rochester. Richard Jones of Athens spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

O. J. Stevens. Sidney Smith spent the weekend with relatives at Wellsburg, N. Y.

Mrs. L. C. Conlon and children of Waverly spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

B. E. Horton. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Fish called on relatives in Troy recently. Harold Wheate of Brooklyn spent the week with Mrs. Wheate at the home of Mrs. Anna Chris-tensen. Mr.

and Mrs. Horey Sidney and family of Wellsburg were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.

Smith Sunday. Miss Emily Roberts called re cently on Mrs. William Winter in Towanda. Mrs. Earl Smith spent part of the week with friends at Buck-horn camp, Weston.

Dale Horton spent the weekend at the home of Dr. Park Horton, New Milford. Charles Edwards of Rochester, N. was a recent guest at the home of Mrs. Ella Macafee.

Miss Nancy Harris is visiting Miss Jacqueline Felt at the Felt summer home on the St. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vanderlyke and Mr.

and Mrs. Morris Brown of Black spent the weekend with relatives in Rochester and Niagara Falls. Amy Cunningham, R.N., of New York is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cunningham.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry of Homer, N. spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gallup of Ulster called on Mr. and Mrs.

Herbert Rounds recently. Blair Horton spent the weekend with Leonard Foster in Baltimore, Md. Dr. and Mrs. Festus Chaffee of Middlesex, N.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dwyer and children of Long Island and Mrs. Edward Ryan and daughter of Canadaigua were guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Chaffee Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Horton and Esther Allen and Henry Rockwell cf Ulster spent Sunday at Wat-kins Glen. Mr.

and Mrs. G. A. McMurray BLOOD STORED AS POWDER MOSCOW (UP) A process for turning blood into powder which can be stored for long periods until needed for transfusion, is being developed by the Central Institute of Haematology in Moscow. with general registers of boroughs end townships, and increase of the I period prior to a primary or elections during which changes in enrollment shall not be made, from the 15th to the 30th day, in case of ihird class city voters.

A similar act makes the change affecting borough and township voters. Another series of new acts, amending the code, relieve municipal officers, departments and utilities from reporting address changes of voters in Pittsburgh, Scranton, third class cities, boroughs and townships. Under those also are sections permitting destruction of registration records of borough and township voters after a three-year period, and allows voters of third-class cities and boroughs and townships who move from one part of a county into the city or from a city into the same county, to transfer registration without personal appearance. Because the Royal Oak supporters, last of the smaller parties, polled less than the required 2 per cent of the highest vote cast last November, candidates for the state's superior and supreme courts will have the battle to themselves in the September primaries for Democratic or Republican nominations. The Socialist and Prohibition parties likewise failed in earlier elections to poll the required number of votes to qualify for the pri mary.

Independent parties, such as the Pathfinders, however, can still put a ticket in, the November contests by preempting a slate before the primaries. Charles W. Carroll, Pathfinder leader, announced re cently that his party will present opposition "where the two major parties have failed to cut out dead wood or have nominated old political hacks." Carroll qualified the statement to exempt Philadelphia District Attorney Charles F. Kelley, supported for renomination by the G.O.P. Livestock Mart Quotations Northern Tier Livestock market, Athens, prices for Aug.

1 CATTLE, canners, cutters, heifers, bulls, stock heif ers, head, bulls, head, calves, good, medium It. wts. and culls, LAMBS, medium, $8.00. HOGS AND PIGS, PIGS, feeders, hd, GOT A WHOPPER ATHENS, Aug. 2 Charles Watkins, 204 Center street, caught a yellow bass at "Slope Wall" near Ulster this morning that weighed six and one-half pounds.

Cf'acOf'tUmS Shirtwaists and skirts are a-blooming everywhere this season they've never been so popular! Here is one of the smartest designed by Anne Adams in easy terms for your sewing needle. Make the soft blouse of pattern 4202 with either long or short sleeves. The yoke that goes gayly round and round in front and the scalloped collar may be in self fabric or in contrast. Or you might leave the collar off and use a frill of ruffles to edge the yoke and to form cuff-effects on the sleeves. The smart skirt has a wide panel at both front and back to create extra flare.

A smart, young style you'll live in for work and play. Order this pattern this very day! Pattern 4202 is available in Misses' and Women's sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40. Size 16, skirt, takes 2'i yards 39 inch fabric and 1 yards contrast. Send FIFTEEN CENTS Hoc) in coins for this Anne Adams pattern Write plainly SIZE. NAME ADDRESS and STYLE What to do! Active summer davs stretch far ahead and your hot-weather wardrobe is wilted and weary.

Let Anne Adams' PATTERN BOOK help freshen up your mid-season wardrobe, with pase after pape of quick-to-sew frocks for night and day work and play. Lots of bright ideas for vacationists on how to look glamorous a cool Clothes for everv type and age from slimming modes for matrons to spirited clothes for young people. Send today! BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS BOOK AND PATTERN TOGETHER TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Send your order to The Evening rimes. Pattern Department.

243 W. 17th St. New York. N. X.

and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Percy McMurray and son of Windfall and Lorn Fleming of the CCC camp at Laquin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish Sunday.

Joyce Chaffee is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Watkins of Honoeye Lake. A. J.

Donlon of Athens' called on Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rounds recently. Janet Fleming has returned after visiting at the Wood home in Elmira. Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Wheate and son were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Andrews, Waverly, R. D.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spencer and Ray Spencer cf Elmira were guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Smith. Mrs. Mayme Voorhees and Mrs. I.ydia Horton are guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Wratkins at Honoeye Lake. Mrs. Earl Arnold was pleasantly surprised at her home recently when 35 friends from Towanda come to help her celebrate her birthday. The evening was spent in playing cards. Refreshments of wieners and rolls were served.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen of Sayre and Mrs. Davis Johnson of Towanda called on Mr. and Mrs.

M. A. Cranmer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Jake Galough of Endicott were week-end guests of Mrs. Myrtie Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. John Strope and i FRANK Cofwriffht 1939, Liggett Myers Tobacco Co.

It Make This Model at Home THE EVENING TIMES DAILY PATTERN A SOFT SHIRTWAIST AND SKIRT PATTERN 4202 "0W. Jie ter field MjI, dm erica's No.l Ciqarette FOR MORE SMOKING Straight down the fairway for what smokers want, Chesterfield gives you real mildness, a different and better taste and a more pleasing aroma. Chesterfield's blend of the world's best cigarette tobaccos is the topflight combination for more smoking pleasure. You'll enjoy every one you smoke. 2,1 i ill.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.